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Adult Social Care Accommodation Strategy 2024-2034

Find out more about Islington's Adult Social Care Accommodation Strategy, which sets out our long-term plan for accommodation-based care and support services


Our vision is that residents in receipt of social care are enabled to live healthy, fulfilling, and independent lives. We want people to live in a safe place they call home.  

What does “good” look like? 

We will know we have achieved our vision if we: 

  • reduce reliance on more institutional forms of care.  
  • help more residents with care needs to remain in their own homes. 
  • more residents receive care closer to home.  
  • fewer residents will be delayed in hospital and other intensive support settings when they are ready for greater independence. 
  • more residents tell us they are receiving the right care and support for them. 

We will measure our success as follows:

1. Residents are supported to maximise independence in their own home

We will know if this is happening if the proportion of long-term service users living in residential care homes decreases and the proportion supported to remain in their own home increases.

In Nov 2023, 14% of long-term services users were living in residential care, while 77% were receiving care services in their own home. 

2. Residents receive care and support closer to home and their support networks.  

We expect to see a reduction in the percentage of residents living in out of borough placements. The average distance from home will decrease. 

In November 2023, of the 634 residents placed in accommodation services, 64%  were placed out of borough. 19% (of total) were living within another North Central London (NCL) borough, 24% lived in a London borough outside of NCL and 20% lived outside of London. 

3. Residents are receiving the right care in the right place

We will know this is happening if:

  • the proportion of patients delayed in hospital is reduced. We are working with the Integrated Care Board to collect borough level information regarding the number of people who are delayed in hospital due to lack of care home availability.  
  • the proportion of residents who tell us in their care and support plan review that their accommodation is suitable to help meet their needs and outcomes increases.
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