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Adult Social Care Accommodation Strategy 2024-2034

Find out more about Islington's Adult Social Care Accommodation Strategy, which sets out our long-term plan for accommodation-based care and support services

Our vision for accommodation

This Adult Social Care Strategy is linked to the council’s Strategic Asset Management Plan and requires a whole council effort to make best use of our resources and assets for the benefit of Islington residents.  

The Islington Adult Social Care vision, in line with Islington Together 2030, is for Islington to be a place made up of strong, inclusive, and connected communities, where regardless of background, people have fair and equal access to adult social care support that enables residents to live healthy, fulfilling, and independent lives.

We want people to live in a safe place they call home.  

Islington Adult Social Care offer

  • The right support: getting the right support to keep our residents safe. Reduce or delay the need for longer-term services using targeted support and assistive technology.
  • The right time: resolving issues at the right point of contact wherever possible, to maximise residents'resilience and independence.
  • The right place: assisting residents to stay at home with access to the full range of community services that Islington has to offer.
  • The right network: working with the resident, their support network and our partner organisations to achieve better outcomes and make the most effective use of our services.

To do this, we will provide the right support at the right time in the right place. Wherever possible we want people with social care needs to be able to remain living independently in their own home, balancing the individual’s wishes and best interests while making best use of the public purse. When a person needs accommodation-based services, we will support them to remain as close to home as possible, helping to maintain links with their communities and support networks. 

This strategy focuses on a range of bespoke accommodation services for when people can no longer remain living independently in their own home. The types of accommodation below are not an exhaustive list - we are committed to exploring innovative models of care and housing that may emerge over the coming years. 

Types of accommodation

Typically lower need

These types of accommodation are typically lower need, but advances in health and social care can support more complex needs in the home:

  • Independent living in general needs housing
  • Living in general needs housing with adaptations
  • Older people's housing, such as sheltered housing

Alternatives to, or preventing higher dependency

  • Shared Lives or Homeshare
  • Supported living 
  • Extra care housing

Typically higher dependency

  • Residential care
  • Nursing care

It would not be possible to achieve our vision and ambitions, without the commitment and support of colleagues within the Council and partners across the borough.   

  • We will work with Community Wealth Building (the department responsible for planning, new build and the maintenance and management of the council’s property assets) to ensure that the housing and care needs of people in receipt of social care are at the forefront of decision-making about the development of the Council estate. 
  • We will work with Homes and Neighbourhoods to nurture community networks which support people to remain as independent as possible in their own home. 
  • We will work with partners in Health and the Voluntary and Community sector to identify unmet need and bridge gaps in provision. 
  • We will reach out to care and housing providers to foster a shared vision and a collaborative approach to meeting residents’ needs. 
  • We have listened to the voice of residents and the people who support them to develop the guiding principles of this strategy. We will continue to involve them in the development of services.  
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