Housing services
Pay your rent now
Have your rent account number and payment card ready.
Bid for housing
Find out more about our choice-based lettings scheme, where you can bid for housing if you have 120 points or more.
Request a repair, report damp and mould and communal repairs, find out the service standard you can expect
Fire safety in Islington
Information about our fire safety arrangements and advice on how you can help keep yourself safe
Vulnerable and disabled residents
Find out more about the support available to you in your home or if you are looking for a council home.
You said, we did form
Tell us how we can improve our housing needs and strategy service.
Local Land Charges
Find out how to get a local land charges search that gives you important details about the property you are buying
Handypersons scheme
Islington’s handypersons’ scheme provides help with small repairs around the home.
How we are doing as a landlord
Find out what Islington Council does as a landlord and how well we measure up to national standards
Related information
Housing annual report 2023/24
How Islington Council performed for its tenants and homeowners in 2023/24
Cost of living support
The price of energy, food and bills are all rising and many of us are feeling worried or anxious about our finances but there are services that can help
Park on an estate
Anyone can apply for an Islington estate parking space or garage