Foreword by Cllr Una O'Halloran, Executive Member for Homes and Communities
This report is our opportunity to tell you about how we have performed as your landlord this year and what we have been doing to make sure we continue to improve our services to you.
Listening to, and acting on, your ideas and concerns is a key priority for us. It is so important that your views shape the way we deliver our services.
There is a lot to be proud of: our work on improving safety and responding to damp and mould. Our work on delivering much needed new council homes, climate action and creating thriving estate communities are very important to us.
But there is also room for improvement and to take our services to the next level, we need you! There are lots of ways to get involved. We have ambitions to be a great landlord, to build more homes and maintain our existing homes better. We also want to support residents to live well in their homes and communities, being good neighbours and helping us to protect our environment.
We know the cost-of-living crisis continues to be very real for many of us, and it is a really worrying time with the high cost of energy, fuel and food prices. The council can provide help support and advice to help you with this.
I know that some of you are concerned about paying your energy costs now and we can provide some handy tips for saving energy through our Energy Advice Team.
Our ambition to make Islington a fairer and more equal place starts with everyone in our community having a decent, genuinely affordable and safe space to call home. We look forward to working with you to achieve this.
Housing performance
Find out how we did in housing for 2023/24 including results of the tenant satisfaction survey
Housing engagement and feedback
Find out about what we’ve done after our residents and tenants gave us feedback on our services
Keeping homes safe and well-maintained
How we're doing maintaining and protecting your homes from damp and mould, and other safety concerns
Making better neighbourhoods
Find out how we're making your estates and neighbourhoods better with investment in projects and safety