Find what your business needs
Advice and practical information for your business including licences, parking and recycling
Base your business in Islington
Find out what Islington can offer you and your business, from transport links to links with its other businesses and the council as well as a diverse and skilled pool of employees
Pay your business rates in Islington
Everything you need to know about business rates in Islington - from paying your bill online to querying the amount you are charged
Get help for your business
You can find more information and support for your local business
Employ local people
The key to a thriving local economy is its workforce - find out more about employing people in Islington
Energy savings for business
Ways for your business to save money by reducing its energy use
Build a fairer local economy
Find out what community wealth building is, what it means for businesses and residents in Islington and how we will transform the local economy for us all