Data and statistics on adult social care
Includes up-to-date information and statistics from national sources at a local level
Courses and training for professionals
Includes courses for social care professionals and organisations who provide care, and national competency framework information.
Information for professionals
We work with professionals to help them provide the best services and care possible for residents, providing information, training and support.
Adult Social Care plans and strategies
An overview of how we aim to support our residents now and in the future.
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
Includes information and rules about keeping people in a safe setting when they lack mental capacity to make their own decisions.
Mental Capacity Act
The key legislation covering decision-making if you don’t have the capacity to make your own decisions.
Islington strategic commissioning
Includes key information about Adult Social Care commissioning at Islington
Cost of care calculator
This easy-to-use, online calculator will tell you how much you might be asked to contribute towards your care