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Adult Social Care Accommodation Strategy 2024-2034

Find out more about Islington's Adult Social Care Accommodation Strategy, which sets out our long-term plan for accommodation-based care and support services

Implementation and governance

The Estates and Adult Social Care steering group includes representation from Adult Social Care – Strategic Commissioning and Investment, Homes and Communities and Community Wealth Building (the department responsible for planning, new build and the maintenance and management of the council’s property assets). The aims of the group are; 

  • to ensure joint working across Council departments to enable timely strategic planning to meet the accommodation needs of those who draw on care and support in Islington.  
  • to be able to identify those new developments or redevelopments on the horizon, ensuring that the right people are engaged and being clear about what the needs are to aid planning together. 
  • to maintain relationships across all the relevant departments and ensure constructive dialogue.  
  • to oversee the implementation of the ASC Accommodation strategy, acting as a first point of sign off for projects to ensure there is strategic oversight that supports us to achieve the ambitions set out in the strategy.  

Key decisions will be agreed by the senior leadership teams of Housing, Adult Social Care and Community Wealth Building and through the governance arrangements for the Strategic Asset Management Plan. 

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