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Imagine Islington: Vision and priorities

To make Imagine Islington reality, our vision and priorities will change the way we work and improve cultural opportunities for everyone in the borough.

Our vision for Imagine Islington

Our vision is for a more equal and connected Islington, where everyone can celebrate the joy of everyday creativity and experience the cultural activities they love.

The lives of Islington people of all ages are enriched every day by culture and creativity reflecting who they are, where they come from and who they could become. When we create together, we make links which bridge generations and communities and make positive changes happen.

What the vision means for you

If you live in Islington, this means that you will have more opportunities to do things you love and be creative. You will also be able to learn about different cultures, their heritage and traditions, and you will be able to feel safe and welcome in Islington, no matter who or how old you are, or where you come from.

If you are an Islington cultural organisation or business, this means we can work together and support one another, to deliver accessible cultural and creative activity to all local people, particularly for those who need it most.

If you are a visitor to Islington, this means we will give you a reason to visit and re-visit our borough to enjoy its vibrant cultural scene, see amazing art, experience its diversity, try delicious cuisine and stroll through its rich history.

Imagine Islington themes and programmes

We have set five themes to help shape our delivery over the next six years, along with several new programmes which help us achieve the Imagine Islington vision.

At the heart of this strategy is our Islington Together 2030 ambition to make Islington a more equal place. That is why we have organised the Imagine Islington aims into five themes which link to the five priorities of the Islington Together 2030 plan.

Children and young people

Every child and young person in Islington should have the chance to do whatever cultural activities they enjoy and discover new ways to be creative, both in school and outside of school. These activities can help children grow and learn about themselves and others and develop the skills they need to succeed in life.

What we are going to do

  • 11 by 11 Plus - We will expand on what 11 by 11 does, improving the links between secondary schools and youth providers to help get children motivated to attend school and learn. We will expand provision for early years settings, working with children 0–5 years old.
  • North London Music Hub - Music Education Islington will join a wider partnership of London boroughs – Camden, Haringey, Enfield, and Barnet – to create a North London Music Hub with more opportunities for children and young people to progress in learning. 
  • A creative family-friendly Islington - We will help families, particularly those who might have a harder time getting involved in arts and culture, to do free and affordable activities, supporting the our 2030 goal of a borough-wide Child-Friendly Islington.

What we will continue to do

  • 11 by 11 - A commitment for all children and young people attending a school in Islington to have 11 outstanding cultural experiences by Year 11. It also provides activities for targeted groups of young  people in more challenging circumstances up to age 19. 
  • Youth offer - Islington has a range of facilities and services for young people, including 12 adventure playgrounds, youth hubs, and loads of clubs and groups. 
  • Music Education Islington - The Music Education Hub for the London Borough of Islington, led by Islington Council and Guildhall School of Music and Drama, in partnership with Music in Secondary Schools Trust and leading arts organisations and funders. 
  • Children in Need programme - Together with the Virtual School, we deliver targeted creative projects for children and young people with allocated social workers.

Connecting communities

We want people to come together to be creative or enjoy other people’s everyday creativity, helping people from different backgrounds and heritage to learn from each other and understand each other better. We will support organisations to understand the needs of local people and have the resources to deliver in sustainable ways.

What we are going to do

  • Love Your Islington - We will talk to people who live in Islington to find out how they hear about things happening around them, and then we'll make it easier for everyone to get the information they need to get involved in local activities.
  • Growing Culture Funding - A new programme to give money to residents, artists and organisations to run free events and activities, especially those aimed at people who may not have had many chances to get involved in arts and culture.
  • Connections - A new programme to help Islington Council staff and key workers understand how culture and creativity can help the local people that they work with.
  • The Imagine Islington Network and Roundtable - A new network open to anyone interested in culture and creativity, where people can gather, share information and plan how to make even more exciting work together.

What we will continue to do

Inspiring spaces

We want Islington to be filled with inspiring spaces – like venues, parks, streets and leisure centres – where people can experience culture and their heritage. Our spaces should be low carbon, safe and welcoming for everyone and be accessible to people of all ages and abilities.

What we are going to do

  • Public art - New guidelines for people who want to commission public art, with funding dedicated to creating safer, more connected communities, enhancing local environments and heritage and making Islington neighbourhoods nicer places to live.
  • Creative Places - Affordable spaces for artists, studios and events will fuel a vibrant creative scene. Partnerships with creative, culture and leisure organisations will boost Islington's day and night-time economies, attract visitors, and create places where people of all backgrounds can relax, have fun and feel safe.
  • Easy events - We'll collaborate across council departments to streamline event planning for residents and organisations, so they can host safe, inclusive and sustainable events.
  • Made in Islington Festival - Local cultural organisations will lead an annual month-long festival of arts and culture featuring work made by, with and for local people.
  • Community Festivals Development Programme – We’ll build on the existing Community Festivals programme to help local people become Community Producers, supporting them to start and develop their own community events and festivals.

What we will continue to do

  • Islington Community Festivals Fund - A three-year grant fund for borough wide arts-led festivals to deliver innovative, community-focused events where people of every background can participate and celebrate together.
  • Islington Council Venues Community Free Hire Scheme – A yearly programme of free hires of Islington Assembly Hall and Town Hall Rooms for Islington community groups, schools and colleges, arts, and cultural organisations.
  • Islington film officeThe film office promotes Islington as a location for internationally renowned production companies to shoot TV programmes and films.
  • Supporting the night-time economy - Islington Licensing and the Local Economies team work to support local businesses to thrive, as well as be compliant and well-regulated, run safely and inclusively, working in partnership with the council and the community to make a positive contribution to our Borough.

Creative enterprise and pathways

We want to make sure that Islington is home to an ambitious, dynamic and resilient creative sector, where organisations can grow sustainably through business networks and attract audiences from near and far. We want to help people of all ages and backgrounds to develop skills, improve their employment opportunities and create clear career pathways into the creative sector.

What we are going to do

  • Escalate creative careers – We’ll work with employers and training providers to help local people of all ages in Islington to find mentors, training great jobs and careers in arts, culture, and heritage organisations, using platforms like the iWork employment portal and our Youth Employment Hubs.
  • Creative learning for adults – Through Islington’s Adult Community Learning platform and centres in libraries and hubs, we’ll support local people looking for jobs in the creative sector by providing training, practical support and learning resources.
  • Archway Creative Enterprise Zone - Islington Council will receive £70,000 from the Greater London Authority, matched by around £200,000 of its own funding, to support the creative sector in the Archway area with a focus on grassroots organisations.
  • Creative industries strategic framework – Islington Council will develop a business-focused strategic framework for the creative industries, identifying where we can work together to support, strengthen and promote the sector in Islington and beyond, to ensure that its economic and social benefits are sustained and can grow.

What we will continue to do

  • World of work – Working with schools and colleges to support young people aged up to 18 to explore career paths in the creative industries, through workplace visits, careers talks and work experience.
  • Local economies – Working with businesses to organise events and promote activities in Islington town centres which showcase the best of local talent and bring communities and visitors together to experience cultural activities.
  • Leading Inclusive Futures through Technology (LIFT) - Islington, Camden, Hackney, and Tower Hamlets councils work together to support residents from underrepresented backgrounds to find jobs and training, and start and grow businesses in the thriving creative, tech and science sectors, including digital media and gaming.
  • Cultural employment partnerships - Working in partnership with National Youth Theatre to develop a careers carousel programme supporting young people who are not in education, employment or training and, with Small Green Shoots, to give 18 to 25-year-olds eight weeks of bespoke training, workplace visits and an Arts Award qualification.

Health and wellbeing

We want to help people improve their health and wellbeing through creativity. We want people to know about all the activities they can do, so they can find something that makes them feel happy and healthy.

What we are going to do

  • Pop-up Arts at the Park - We are bringing more cultural activities to parks and green spaces to add to the existing green social prescribing offer and other Parks for Health activities like walks and gardening.
  • Islington Creative Health Zone – We will make Islington a Creative Health Zone to help local people to improve their health and wellbeing through creative early intervention, working together with the Islington Borough Partnership and leisure partners, alongside Islington Public Health, Adult Social Care and Children's Services.
  • Targeted programmes for arts, health and wellbeing - Local people and organisations will be able to apply for funding through the Growing Culture Funding Pot to do arts and cultural activities aimed at people from marginalised groups.

What we will continue to do

  • Parks for Health strategy - We invest in parks and works with voluntary and community organisations and health partners to offer a range of different programmes including green social prescribing.
  • Active Islington Strategy - Focusing on the borough’s least active residents, supporting groups who are traditionally less likely to take part in physical activity, and promoting physical activity to support mental health and help people prevent or manage long-term conditions.
  • Islington Libraries: Books for Health - Islington's libraries provide a comfortable environment for residents to read, select books, access information, study and take part in a range of free regular activities which support their health and wellbeing.
  • Bright Lives - An early help service where adults can get 1-1 coaching support for up to six months to build resilience, independence, and wellbeing.
  • WE Heal Fund - A grant programme for individuals and organisations to deliver participatory arts which aim to improve the mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing of Islington women and children who have experienced violence. 
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