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We are making some improvements to our website, and we are looking for your feedback to help us understand more about your experience when using it and how we can make it better. 

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Painting on easel icon

WE Heal proposal examples

Here are a few examples of the range of project proposals that could fulfil the WE Heal fund criteria. Please note these are all fictionalised proposals for inspiration only.

  • A series of zine-making workshops for women and children themed around tales of repair and recovery working with a storyteller and visual artist, supported by staff and volunteers
  • Clay therapy sessions led by an arts therapist for a group of women with multiple and/or complex needs
  • A ceramic artist offering to deliver an introduction to diverse tile painting traditions (e.g. iznik, haft rangu and azulejo) to inspire and enable women and children to produce their own unique designs
  • Mime and movement workshops for older women exploring strength, survival and empowerment leading to the creation of a final performance by the group
  • A spoken word and music project co-created with women using community languages, oral history and verbal artforms from their cultural heritage such as chanting, ululation, praise songs and ghazals to restore confidence, express identity and amplify survivor voice
  • A dramatherapist partnering with an arts organisation to pilot a multi-artform project for young women that involves group work such as role-play and voice work combined with participatory photography and therapeutic filmmaking

Check our FAQs and glossary for more information about the types of arts initiatives and creative activities likely to be supported or email

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