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WE Heal FAQs

Read our FAQs on the WE Heal fund for commonly asked questions concerning the grant, the grant making process, our funding areas, and timelines. For additional questions or enquiries, please contact

Why WE Heal? 

Because Women, Empowered, Heal (WE Heal). The grant’s theme is tailored towards healing through therapeutic arts-based activity created in safe spaces. 

What can I get a WE Heal grant for? 

Our WE Heal grants can be used to fund participatory arts initiatives and projects with recovery-orientated creative activities designed to improve the mental, emotional and physical wellbeing of Islington women and children who have experienced violence.  

Can individuals apply? 

Yes, individuals such as artists, arts therapists, community social workers, youth workers, creative producers and academics can apply for WE Heal micro-grants.

You will need to nominate an Islington-based constituted organisation to accept funds on your behalf. 

How much funding is available? 

The total funding currently available is £83,000.

How much can I apply for? 

WE Heal micro-grants are between £500 to £1,500 – for individuals and organisations 

WE Heal project grants are between £2,000 to £5,000 - for constituted organisations only 

Can we apply for more than one type of grant? 

No, you can only apply for one type of grant. 

What types of organisations will you fund? 

We can fund arts and cultural organisations, charities (registered and unregistered), community groups, community interest companies, friendly societies, social clubs, faith-based groups, voluntary organisations and other not-for-profit organisations.  

Do you fund unconstituted groups? 

Yes, unconstituted groups can apply for WE Heal micro-grant. You will need to nominate an Islington-based constituted organisation to accept funds on your behalf. 

Our group has not got a bank account, how will you pay the grant to us? 

If awarded a grant, you will need to nominate an Islington-based constituted organisation to accept funds on your behalf.  

What types of arts initiatives and creative activities will be supported? 

The WE Heal Fund aims to support a diverse range of participatory arts initiatives, projects and workshops that promote mental health and wellbeing through the use of creative and expressive arts which include but are not limited to: 

  • visual arts (including photography, film, mixed media)
  • crafts and applied arts, performance (theatre, dance, music)
  • literary activities (including short-form literature such as creative writing, poetry, memoir work, storytelling)  
  • oral and verbal artforms such as spoken word, chanting

Creative activities can be based on contemporary or traditional artforms and cultural practices as part of participatory workshops or delivered through arts and creative therapies.

For the purposes of WE Heal funding, projects can involve therapeutic filmmaking. Such projects must clearly demonstrate how this will be consent-based, survivor voice-led and fully involve participants in recovery-orientated creative activities e.g., as a socially engaged intervention. WE Heal funding is not available for feature length films or films intended for commercial distribution.

What do you mean by therapeutic arts-based activity?

Therapeutic arts-based activity includes but is not limited to formal arts psychotherapy, trauma-informed creative programmes and socially engaged interventions whereby the participation in an art-making and/or creative expressive process is deemed therapeutic in and of itself. 

Can I request funds to develop my own personal artistic project and creative practice?

No, WE Heal funds are not intended for individuals’ own costs developing, creating, installing or delivering personal artistic work relating solely to their individual personal creative practice.  

WE Heal funds are intended to enable individuals to develop, pilot and/or deliver participatory arts activities and projects which directly benefit and engage Islington women and children as participants and/or co-creators. 

How can I check whether the proposal we are seeking funding for is eligible? 

You can attend one of our We Heal Information Sessions or send us an email to arrange a phone call to discuss. 

Can I request funds for my staff and volunteer costs? 

Yes, you can apply for funding for direct staffing and volunteer costs that relate to the proposed arts activity outlined in your project description. 

Do you fund existing work as well as new work? 

No, funding from WE Heal is designed to support the development and delivery of new participatory arts initiatives and projects only. 

Can you accept an application from a partnership of two or more organisations? 

Yes, we will accept partnership applications for the WE Heal Project grants. If you would like to speak to us to discuss in more detail, please email us at

Do we need to have match funding? 

No, match funding is not required to be eligible for a WE Heal grant.  

Can we apply for funding to cover costs that we have already spent? 

No, we cannot fund retrospective costs. 

When do any successful grants need to be spent by? 

We would usually expect grants to be spent within ten months of the award date.

If you are awarded a grant, the Cultural Enrichment Team will discuss start and end dates with you for your project. 

When do I need to apply?

The deadline for round two applications is 15 May 2023 at 12 noon.

If we do not have independently examined or audited accounts yet, will you accept management accounts? 

Yes, we will and, if possible, a copy of your previous year’s audited accounts. 

Why do you request references for WE Heal micro-grants? 

This is an audit requirement, as we are not able to carry out checks on the Charity Commission website and via Companies House. 

If you still have a specific question that is not covered in these FAQs, please contact us by email at

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.