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Food waste recycling

We are now expanding communal food waste recycling service to all suitable blocks and estates of 7 households and over. We are calling on residents, landlords, managing agents and RSLs to email to request the service (if they don’t already have it).

Bins, leaflets, caddies and liners and collections will be provided free of charge.

Food waste recycling pilot for flats above shops

We want to help all our residents to recycle food waste and are trialling a food waste recycling service for a section of Holloway Road between Holloway Road and Highbury and Islington tube stations. As part of the trial we have placed communal food waste bins at intervals along Holloway Road, with residents provided with food waste caddies and liners. If you live in a flat above a shop or business in this area and would like a kitchen waste caddy to recycle your food waste, please email

What you can recycle

You can put this food waste in your food recycling bin:

  • out of date food removed from its packaging
  • leftover food waste straight from your plate
  • tea bags
  • coffee grounds
  • dairy products 
  • fruit and veg
  • fish
  • seafood shells
  • meat
  • small bones
  • bread
  • pastries
  • rice
  • pasta
  • fruit stones
  • pet food 
  • Compostable coffee pods (these must be EN13432 certified - please check with supplier)

Please don't put your food waste in plastic bags as we can’t compost them. 

You can collect free compostable bags from your local library or purchase them from local retailers.

Sign-up here to receive occasional tips and advice about recycling your food waste.

Why reduce and recycle your food waste?

Reducing the amount of food we waste will help us achieve our target of creating a net zero carbon borough by 2030. 30% of global CO2 equivalent emissions are caused by food production, with 8% to 10% of these emissions attributed to wasted food. In the UK, 70% of all food waste is generated by citizens in their own homes. Of the 6.6 million tonnes of food thrown away by UK households, 4.5 million tonnes could have been eaten. You can help to prevent climate disaster by reducing your food waste (you can find useful tips in the “Related Information” section below). Any food that you need to throw away can be recycled and turned into green electricity and compost.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.