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Community Infrastructure Levy process guide

If CIL applies to your development, there are several things you must do before you start any work. This step-by-step guide will show you how. 

Stage 3: Apply for relief or an exemption

You may be able to get relief for your development or a portion of your development eg. social housing relief and charitable relief.

We don’t automatically grant relief from CIL.

You will need to apply and give us evidence to support your application.

To apply for relief you must:

  • be the person who will pay the CIL (assumption of liability)
  • apply using the correct form
  • apply and receive a decision from us before you start any work

You can read more on the web page.

 To apply you need to complete the claiming exemption or relief forms on the Planning Portal.

Self-build exemptions

There are four types of exemption:

  • self-build – whole house
  • self-build – residential annex
  • self-build – residential extension
  • minor development

You can read more on the webpage.

 To apply for a self-build exemption, you need to use the correct form:

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