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Parking for disabled people and the Blue Badge scheme

How and where to park as a disabled person in Islington including applying for and renewing a Blue Badge, free resident permits and what to do if your Blue Badge is lost or stolen.

Report Blue Badge fraud or misuse

We take the misuse and stealing of Blue Badges very seriously.

If you think someone is using a Blue Badge who shouldn't be, call us on 020 7527 2000 or email

Being charged under the Fraud Act for misusing a Blue Badge can mean large fines and possibly a prison sentence.

Return Blue Badges that are not being used

You can help stop misuse of Blue Badges by returning any that you or someone else is no longer using. For example, return a badge it has expired or if the holder is no longer with us.

Return unused blue badges to: 

London Borough of Islington
Blue Badge Team
PO Box 72951
London N7 1DL

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.