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Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) price increase

All London Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) will be increasing from Monday 7 April 2025. PCNs are designed to deter anti-social and obstructive parking, reduce congestion and make London’s streets clearer and safer.

Parking sign icon

Why we enforce parking

Why we have the parking rules we have, how these are enforced and by whom

We have a duty to keep junctions free of parked cars so that pedestrians can see when it is safe to cross and motorists have a clear view of traffic and pedestrians. Illegal parking can also cause delays to traffic and block access for the emergency services.

In addition to the road safety aspects, there is a very high demand for parking space in Islington. Residents, businesses and visitors all want somewhere to park and controlled zones and restrictions help allocate space in the fairest way. In order to ensure people are parking where they should, we have to patrol and penalise vehicles that are parked where they shouldn't be. 

Local authorities in London are empowered to enforce against illegally parked vehicles following the decriminalisation of parking offences under the Road Traffic Act 1991. Additional legislation over the years such as the Road Traffic Act 2004 has increased local authorities powers to enforce. Parking tickets may be issued by civil enforcement officers (CEOs) or CCTV camera operators.

Our enforcement contract

Enforcement of parking and moving traffic regulations in Islington is carried out of behalf of the council by an external contractor NSL Services.  This contractor was selected in 2007 following a procurement process. View our contract with NSL Services.

NSL Services carry out parking enforcement

  • civil enforcement officers and CCTV operators undergo rigorous training before starting enforcement duties.
  • our contract monitoring teams closely monitor and regulate their performance.
  • civil enforcement officers have no targets for the number of parking tickets issued.
  • NSL Services are penalised for any wrongly issued tickets.

Off-street parking enforcement

The Council enforces three off-street car parks. They are located at the Sobell Leisure Centre at the junction of Isledon and Hornsey Road, The Islington Tennis Centre off Market Road and the RSPCA Harmsworth Animal Hospital on Sonderburg Road.

CCTV enforcement

Local authorities can issue parking tickets if a vehicle is parked illegally by a CCTV operator

  • at bus stops
  • on pedestrian crossings
  • loading where restrictions apply.

If your vehicle is spotted parked illegally by CCTV in one of these locations, you may receive a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) by post.

There is a legal requirement that cameras used to enforce parking and bus lane contraventions by CCTV are certificated by the Secretary of State (moving traffic enforcement cameras do not currently need this approval). We had our certification renewed in October 2011.

Parking legislation

There are a number of pieces of government legislation, which prescribe how parking management and enforcement must be conducted in Islington.

See the key pieces of legislation on the Office for Public Sector Information website.

Traffic management orders (TMOs)

A Traffic Management Order is a legal document we are required to produce whenever we want to put new parking restrictions in place or amend existing ones. As part of producing an order we consult with stakeholders such as the fire service and local residents.

See our most recent TMO notices

If you would like further information on how to obtain a copy of an existing TMO please contact us directly by email (