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Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) price increase

All London Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) will be increasing from Monday 7 April 2025. PCNs are designed to deter anti-social and obstructive parking, reduce congestion and make London’s streets clearer and safer.

Parking sign and car icon

Buy or renew a parking permit if you live in Islington

Find out how to apply for or renew a permit and the cost to park near your home in Islington

Where you can park with a resident parking permit

A resident parking permit lets you park one vehicle you own:

  • in any resident permit holder bay or any resident shared-use bay (a bay that can also be used by drivers paying for a short time) in the controlled parking zone (CPZ) you are registered for
  • at any time, including on Emirates Stadium match days.

You can also park in any other resident permit holder or resident shared-use bay in the borough between 11am and 3pm, Monday to Friday only under the Resident Roamer rules, except on Emirates Stadium match days when extra controls are active in a CPZ.

Motorcycle resident permit

A motorcycle resident permit lets you park in any on-street motorcycle bay in Islington for free.

About MA and MD (match day controls)

When choosing your CPZ while buying permits or visitor vouchers, you may be asked to choose MA or MD zones.

  • MA: For resident parking during match days.
  • MD: If you live on a road that has restricted access during match days, you will also get a pass that allows you access.  
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