We may not hold all the information and material you require. However, we hope this list helps you with your research.
Burial and cremation records
These records are held in various locations, including individual cemeteries, at Deceased Online.
View our leaflet about records of local cemeteries, burial grounds and crematoria (PDF).
Coroners' records
Any surviving coroners' reports are available at the London Metropolitan Archives, although only a sample of these records have been retained. However, we do hold copies of the Islington Gazette, which often include reports on inquests.
Parish records
All local parish records are held at the London Metropolitan Archives, although we do have copies of some records of St Mary Islington and St James Clerkenwell.
Prison records
Most are held by The National Archives, which has published a detailed guide about locating relevant records, entitled Criminals in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.
School records
Any surviving records are held either by individual schools or at London Metropolitan Archives.