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My eAccount, payments and online forms unavailable - Sunday 9 March from 9am to 5pm

We will be doing important maintenance on our website from 9am until 5pm on Sunday 9 March. This means that you won't be able to use My eAccount, pay for services or fill in some online forms during this time.

If you can't do what you need to, try again later. We're very sorry if you are affected by this essential work. 

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Harvist Estate improvement works

We are planning to make some major improvements to the Harvist Estate.

Low rise blocks

We're holding a consultation meeting for the residents of Swainson, Hindley, Everett and Tenby Houses. This will be an opportunity for residents to give their views on what work they think needs to be carried out to the blocks. As well as data collected from surveys and repairs history.

  • Thursday 18 April, 6.30 – 8pm
  • Hind House Community Rooms, Hind House, Harvist Estate, N7 7NA

High rise blocks

Work to renew the lifts started in January 2024 with one lift at Citizen and Hind Houses being taken out of service so that new openings can be cut out. Work will take approximately 30 weeks for each lift.

Work will start on the next blocks (Talbot and Lillingston Houses) in June 2024 with the the exact date to be confirmed and subject to progress. The forecast is for the lift work to be completed in September 2025.

A respite hub has been set up at 4 Everett House that residents can access while the noisy work is being carried out. Tea and coffee facilities will be available.

The respite hub will be open 9am–12noon and 1pm–4pm, Monday to Friday. 

Resident consultation meeting

A presentation was delivered to residents on 30 November 2023. Find out about the issues that were discussed at the meeting.

Residents survey 2023

Thank you to everyone who responded to our survey asking for your views on what improvements you wanted to be carried out on Harvist Estate. See the key issues that were raised by the survey.

Capital Works Improvement programme update

On Thursday 27 April 2022, the Capital Works team gave an update regarding the major works proposed across the estate. This update was part of the Estate Champions drop-in event held at the Arsenal Community Hub.

Lift renewal programme update

The programme for the replacement of the lifts in the tall blocks is progressing. This work will affect residents in Citizen House, Hind House, Lillingston House and Talbot House.

We will be keeping one lift working in each block while the other is being replaced. However, we understand that for some people having to use stairs to access the working lift may be challenging.

We want to hear from you if you are worried about how this may impact your household. Perhaps you or a member of your family use a mobility scooter or cannot manage the stairs. Our tenancy team want to help you by choosing the best support and help we can offer you. The earlier you contact us, the better.

We would also like to hear from you if you are concerned about a vulnerable neighbour who may need our help. Please contact the Harvist Project team: