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Help with applying housing register

The online application form allows you to apply to join Islington’s housing register. If you apply online you will find out how many points you have been allocated straight away.

All the information you give us will be checked before we offer you social housing. This may result in your points total being revised if your circumstances have changed. You will be asked to provide proof of address and proof of identity for yourself and your family. Attempting to obtain social housing by giving false information is a criminal offence.

Do I need to complete the online form if I am already on the housing register?

No. If you are already on the housing register you will be prevented from applying again online. If you already have a current application and want to tell us about a change in your circumstances then please complete the change of circumstance form.

How long will it take to complete the online form?

The online form usually takes around 30 minutes to complete and you will receive your points allocation straight away.

I would like to complete the online form but I think I will need help. Where can I get help from?

If you need help filling in the online form you can call the Housing Options Team on 0207 5274140 to make an appointment.

What proof will I have that I have made an application?

Once you have completed the form the last page will display your application reference number at the top. This is confirmation that your application has been registered. We advise that you keep a copy of the last page of the form for your information and please quote your application reference number if you correspond with us.

What if I don’t agree with the number of points?

Your assessment will be based on the answers you provide to the questions on the online form. You can find out how the points are awarded in the allocation policy. If you believe your application has been pointed incorrectly, you can ask for it to be reviewed by writing to the Housing Options Team, PO Box 34750, London N7 9WF, quoting your application reference number.

If I am not eligible to apply to the housing register or do not have enough qualifying points, what other housing options do I have?

Due to the shortage of social housing, it is unlikely that you will be successful in securing an offer of social housing. Last year only 6% of the housing register was successful. For details of other housing options available please look at private sector housing.

I have completed the online form but there are other factors that I think are important that I want to tell you about, how can I do that?

If you have additional information you want to provide to support your application please send it to our address at:

Housing Options Team
PO Box 34750
N7 9WF

Please ensure you quote your reference number which will appear once you've completed your application online.

I can’t get the online form to work, what should I do?

We may experience some technical problems from time to time. If you try to fill in the online form and it tells you that you have already registered, it may be because you have recently received housing advice and we have already put some of your details on our database. If this is the case,  please call us during office hours on 0207 527 4140.