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Easter Holiday Activities

Monday 03 April to Friday 14 April 2023

Islington Council offers a range of activities for children and young people of all ages. Find out what’s on and how to book on this page and keep up-to-date with Easter fun by following @IslingtonLife and @IslingtonBC on Twitter and Facebook or signing up to Things to do.

Under 5s

Activities for under 5s will be running over the holidays including stay and play sessions indoors and outdoors.

Bright Start Activities

Looking for childcare this Easter holiday?

Islington’s Family Information Service can help you find suitable holiday childcare. Contact Islington FIS on 020 7527 5959 or email

Under 13s

Islington’s playgrounds, open for indoor and outdoor play sessions are safe, welcoming and fun for children aged 6 years and up. They give children the opportunity to socialise with others outside their household, burn off energy and boost their physical and emotional health.

Islington's Adventure Playgrounds

The Rosebowl offers a wide range of activities from arts, crafts, cooking and sport.


Teens and young adults 13+

Islington offer a wide range of holiday activities from their youth hubs and clubs. The programme is constantly changing to offer young people exciting things to do.

Youth hubs and clubs

Lunch Bunch (Free Activities and Food)

If you are an Islington resident attending school from Reception to Year 11 and are in one of the following groups you are eligible:

  • Receives benefits related free school meals (FSM)
  • Have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP)
  • Have a social or family support worker
  • Can be referred by a professions

Lunch Bunch




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