If you are struggling with your energy bills, you might not be keep your heating on as much as you usually would at this time of the year.
To help, the council is offering free, non-judgemental spaces at local libraries during their opening hours. You can go to stay warm, maybe enjoy some company and a hot drink.
Find a warm space
Libraries in Islington are warm spaces you can go to during their opening hours. Select your local library for opening hours, contact details and information about facilities:
- Archway Library
- Cat and Mouse Library
- Central Library
- Finsbury Library
- Mildmay Library
- N4 Library
- North Library
- South Library
- West Library
Tell us about your warm space
If you have opened a warm community space and would like to be listed, or if you would like to open a warm space, please email partnerships@islington.gov.uk.