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Chief Executive’s department privacy notice

The following privacy notice applies to the London Borough of Islington’s Chief Executive’s department.


What information we collect, hold and use

The Chief Executive on occasions collects and processes data, including personal data about its residents, to ensure that the council is providing services effectively.

This data will be processed in accordance with Regulations that apply under the Local Government Act; or by requesting explicit consent, for example in instances where we are conducting research.

The information we collect about you would include, but is not limited to:

Date of birth
Contact details (phone/mobile/email)

We may ask you further details where required and appropriate:

Religious or other similar beliefs
Marital status
Physical or mental health condition 
Financial information
Housing status
General health
Use of Council services
Photographic images (with your explicit consent)

We use your personal information to:

ensure that we meet all of our legal and statutory duties including but not limited to those which apply under the legislation listed on the link below:
Insert Link to list of legislation 
help us better understand how you are accessing council services and whether they are fulfilling the need requirements of the residential population.

We may also use your data:

for administrative purposes and customer service
to contact you to take part in some independent research or survey and ask your opinion about our services to ensure we understand how we can deliver a better service to our residents. All research generated by teams within the department is depersonalised, with data aggregated up, so that individuals can not be identified.
to provide you with information about our activities and services relevant to the area in which you live.

Agencies we might share the information with:

We will not obtain information from third party organisations unless specified by a contract to which you are party.
We will not share any personal or sensitive information with third parties which will identify an individual. All research reports that are done are depersonalised, with data aggregated up, so that individuals can not be identified.


Unless specified in the legislation cited above, data will be retained for a period of 3 years from the end of the specific research project and 2 years for photographs. Any data collected will be stored on data servers based within Islington Council


If you have been dissatisfied with the service you have been provided and have exhausted the council’s corporate complaints process, you can refer any complaints to the Local Government Ombudsman. Details of how to complain.