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Black Cultural Centre

We are planning to open a Black Cultural Centre in Islington. You can get involved by telling us what services you would like to access at the centre, and by applying to run the site.

Why we’re opening the centre

The contribution of the Black community is very important to Islington. Islington Council is committed to challenging inequality by tackling racism, injustice and inequality within the borough.

In 2021 we launched our boroughwide engagement with Islington residents through our Let’s Talk Islington engagement programme. We have used the findings from this research to inform the vision and start to shape an offer for the centre.

The centre aims to provide a safe space for residents from African and Caribbean heritage to come together and feel at home. The space will provide opportunities for learning about Black history and culture and aims to empower and uplift our Black community.

We expect that it will become the go-to venue to host talks, celebrations, history lessons and events and so much more.

Opening and location

The centre is set to complete later this year and will be in the Arsenal ward.

Ways to be involved

Deliver services or sell goods

We are looking for individuals, organisations or a consortium to deliver services or sell culturally appropriate goods from the site.
If you are self-employed or an entrepreneur who would like to deliver services or sell goods from the site, email to get more information. 

Tell us what you want from the centre

Let us know what services you would like to access at the Black Cultural Centre by taking part in our survey.

Take the survey

Get in touch

If you have any questions, email

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.