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Nurseries, schools and home learning

Please help us keep our schools safe

To help protect ourselves, our families, our schools and everyone in our community, it's essential that we all continue to pull together and follow public health advice to:

Wash your hands regularly– for 20 seconds, with soap and running water, especially before and after school, before and after eating, and after using a tissue or the toilet.
Wear a face covering in public places, including shops and on public transport.
Create space – stay 2 metres apart from people who are not from your household, particularly in public places. Please move away from the school as quickly as possible at drop off and pick up times, and please encourage older children to come straight home from school.
Stay away from school if you or your child have symptoms (or someone in your household does) and arrange to get a test.

Travel safely

Please walk, cycle or scoot to school if you can, rather than taking public transport.
Please see TFL’s website for travel advice for school children using public transport to get to school.

Find out more

You can contact your school with any questions. Your School Nurse is also happy to talk to you about any concerns, for example if you are from a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic group or if there are grandparents or vulnerable family members at home.

School nurses: email or ring 020 3316 8021

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.