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How we process applications for an Islington highways bench

Requests for new benches 

When a request is received to place a bench in a specific location, the applicant is required to provide their name, address and the reason why the bench is required at that location (e.g a disability which means they have a need sit down at regular intervals). 

Applications must be acknowledged with ten days and reviewed ready for the consultation process within six weeks. Consultation process must be activated and posted on site within 14 days of the outcome review process. 

Application process 

  • The consultation will run for 28 days
  • The applicant will be informed after the 28-day consultation period
  • The council will aim to provide a four to six weeks turnaround for bench installation subject to payment completion and delivery dates of the bench

Actions for the highways officers 

  • The location needs to be assessed to see whether the location is suitable

When assessing the suitability, the following information should be considered once the consultation period ends - 

  • The consultation period will run for 28 days
  • Whether a request for a bench at the same location has been made previously and the outcome (i.e was it refused?)
  • The immediate area around the bench location. Benches will not be placed in front of windows or doors of residential premises or shops, or outside schools
  • Whether there is another bench/bus shelter nearby
  • A minimum of two metres must be left clear to allow pedestrians, prams and wheelchairs to pass without difficulty. In areas with high pedestrian flows the ‘clear’ footway would need to be more than two metres. Where a site is within a principal shopping centre’ (areas considered to be busy) a minimum of four metres is required
  • Whether the bench can be physically installed (i.e it would not be placed over a cellar). This requires the site to be assessed by highways officers
  • Whether the bench is acceptable to the community safety team (i.e any history of anti-social behaviour near the location proposed). This needs to be checked with the anti-social team
  • Once the location requested has been assessed, if it does not meet the council’s criteria, the person making the request would be informed after the six weeks review process
  • If the request for a new bench meets the council’s criteria, the details of the request would be added to the bench database and the applicant informed within 14 days from the completion date of the consultation
  • Requests which have met the criteria and require payment - the cost will be provided at the same time approval has been granted
  • If there are several requests for benches at locations which are fairly close together, review and consider which location would satisfy the most needs.

Islington highways benches – consultation and decision process


Ward councillors would be sent bench proposals being put forward for consultation for their comments. A site notice inviting comments would be erected near the proposed site. 28 days would be given for providing comments on the bench proposed. 


If there are no objections at the end of the consultation period, and the site is suitable for a bench installation the council will proceed to install the bench

If there are objections, the Director of Climate Change and Transport Services would consider these after consulting with the relevant ward councillors before a final decision is made to grant the application request. 

A list will be collated of requests that have been refused and the reasons why.

This process excludes benches which require planning permission.


The council retains the right to replace or permanently remove the bench if necessary, and the property rights to the bench will belong to the council. 


The council will where necessary require a payment before any bench installation can be progressed. 

Requests for existing benches to be removed or relocated

The council will consider a request to remove or relocate an existing bench only if it receives individual requests to do so from at least three households in the nearby area. If you need to contact us about existing benches or relocations, please email