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Christmas and new year opening times and services

Find out our opening times and service changes over Christmas and New Year holidays. This includes changes to bin collection days, parking and customer contact centre opening hours.

Islington Town Hall will be closed from Thursday 2 to Monday 6 January 2025 for planned maintenance. Registrar services will be reopen on Monday 6 January 2025.

Planning document icon

Crossrail 2

Crossrail 2 (previously known as the Chelsea – Hackney line) is a proposed new rail line running through London and into Surrey and Hertfordshire. Proposals for this new railway are being developed by Transport for London and Network Rail.  Crossrail 2 will support the anticipated jobs and homes growth, and address transport capacity issues. In Islington, a Crossrail 2 station is proposed at Angel.

Transport for London Consultation - Winter 2015/16 

Between 27 October 2015 and 8 January 2016 Transport for London consulted on the route and design of Crossrail 2. A Consultation Analysis report was published in spring 2016, followed by a separate report in the summer responding to the issues raised. For further information about Crossrail 2, including viewing the consultation reports, please go to crossrail2 website.

Contact us

For any further information please contact the Spatial Planning and Transport Team at:


Telephone: 020 7527 2000

Address: Fourth Floor, Laycock Wing, 222 Upper Street, London N1 1XR

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