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Central Street Masterplan

Islington Council wants to improve Central Street. The Council is a3cfb74430ee485e8f0e520a5988166c
developing a public realm masterplan that will improve the quality of the streets and space along Central Street and Golden Lane. We want to make Central Street much more accessible, safer and attractive.  

The Council believes this can be achieved by focusing on:

  • Transforming Central Street into a place where more people enjoy spending time with improvements to public spaces including higher quality benches and other seating.
  • Improving walking and cycling routes along Central Street, including better footways, crossings, more greenery and reducing the impact of motor traffic.
  • Making it easier for local people to hold more events and activities on Central Street by developing a programme of events and activities for the street's public spaces.

A public consultation on the draft masterplan was held between 7 September 2015 and 5 October 2015. The council has now considered the responses and set out it’s response in the consultation report (attached below). This report summarises the key points made during the consultation and sets out how the council will develop the final masterplan. The masterplan should be finalised by October 2016.

Once the masterplan is finalised, work will begin on developing the detailed designs and a consultation on the detailed design will follow prior to any works commencing.

If you would like to find out more about the Central Street Masterplan, you can download an electronic copy of the consultation report, consultation booklet, draft masterplan and the Community Street Audit in the Related documents below.

If you have any questions about the Central Street Masterplan please contact Katarzyna Bendowska by email at or by phone on 0207 527 2267.

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