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Islington Active Together strategy

Find out how the council is encouraging Islington to be more active including our five active priorities and why this is important.

Islington has a wide-ranging and diverse physical activity offer in Islington but many more residents could benefit from the powerful impact that comes from being active.

About the Active Together strategy

The Islington Active Together strategy contains our plans to focus on the borough’s least active residents, supporting groups who are traditionally less likely to take part in physical activity, and making the most of the potential for physical activity to support mental health and prevent and help people manage long-term conditions.

The council, NHS, voluntary and community sector and residents all have a part to play in influencing people to be more active.

You can read the strategy by clicking the button and opening or downloading.

The strategy includes:

  • benefits of physical activity
  • the amount of physical activity we should do
  • how active Islington is.

Read the full strategy

Five priorities

The strategy has five main areas and commitments.

Active facilities

Full impact of and access to our physical activity venues and facilities, including:

  • leisure centres
  • swimming pools
  • multi-use games areas
  • school sports centres.

Active communities

Strengthening the role of communities in delivering physical activity, including:

  • sports clubs
  • community groups
  • schools
  • early years settings
  • businesses and workplaces.

Active environments

Making sure our outdoor environments are appealing, promote active travel and influence residents to move more. These include: 

  • high streets
  • neighbourhoods
  • parks
  • open spaces.

Active health and social care

Connecting with health and social care services to emphasise the importance of physical activity in preventing and managing long-term health conditions and promoting good mental health.

Finding ways to be physically active

Working with partners to improve information and access to where and how residents can be active.