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Acceptable Use Policy for information technology resources and Internet access

We believe that citizens are entitled to have access to information technology resources and the Internet in Islington Libraries for their Information, education, and recreation needs. Any person who is a member of Islington Libraries may use them. Our Wi-Fi service is available free to any library customer with a Wi-Fi enabled device. Printing via the Wi-Fi network is not available.

Your Responsibilities

Please bear in mind that when using our computers or Wi-Fi service you are in a public space and are expected to respect the privacy of others and their equal right to use this space. If you do anything that contravenes this you may be denied access to the service.

It is your responsibility to protect your own equipment and its content. You should have up to date internet security software loaded onto your device. Islington libraries will not accept responsibility for any damage caused to your equipment by any sort of internet delivered program, neither will we accept responsibility for any damage to or theft of your device in the library.

Islington Libraries accepts no responsibility for the availability, quality or accuracy of information accessed through the internet. Each user of the service is responsible for assessing this for themselves.


Our network is filtered to block offensive and/or illegal material being viewed or downloaded in the library. However we cannot guarantee that this will be one hundred percent effective, and it may occasionally allow unacceptable material through, or conversely block material that is legitimate. We will consider adjusting the filtering of this material if it is brought to our attention, but we reserve the right to refuse a request to block or unblock a site.


It is your responsibility to safeguard your personal information when using library computers and the internet. There are increased risks in using an open and unencrypted Wi-Fi connection in a public area. Please be aware that:

  • Online banking or financial transactions are carried out at your own risk
  • Privacy cannot be guaranteed, and submission of private details may result in you receiving unwanted communications.
  • We cannot be responsible for the privacy policies of other websites. You should read what they say before giving out any personal information.
  • E-mails are easy to intercept and there is no guarantee of their privacy, so do not send confidential data. 


Children aged seven or under must be accompanied by a parent or carer (any person aged sixteen or over who is known to the child) to use the Internet. They must have a letter signed by a parent agreeing to their supervised Internet use.

Children aged Eight to Fifteen can use the Internet unsupervised but must get a letter signed by a parent or legal guardian agreeing to this. Young people aged Sixteen to Seventeen do not need to obtain permission to use the Internet.

To ensure fair and safe access to ICT, and to facilitate homework support, each library will reserve one or more computers for the exclusive use of children and young people. Where children's computers are located close to adult ones, these computers may be signed as being for their exclusive use.

Social Media

The use Social Media sites is not prohibited. However some may present particular dangers to children, who should take note of the following: 

  • People on the Internet may not be who they say they are.
  • Never give out contact information such as your phone number and address.
  • Be careful what you say about your friends and their personal information and don’t pass anything on to someone they don’t know.
  • If you are posting a profile don’t include any information that could identify you offline - personal email address, mobile phone number, home or school address and also pictures of yourself.
  • You should NEVER meet up with someone you have chatted to online, even if that person seems OK. Paedophiles are clever and cunning people and can spend months gaining your trust before asking to meet you.

 Unacceptable Use

You are responsible for your use of these services. Please use them in accord with the council’s “Dignity For All” policy. The following actions are not acceptable and may result in your access to all of our services being withdrawn, legal action taken and/or the police being informed:

  • Accessing, displaying or distributing illegal, obscene, offensive or defamatory material - text, images and / or sounds.
  • Using foul or abusive language.
  • Use email to send defamatory, copyrighted or pornographic material, or abusive messages. Do not attempt to monitor, intercept read or tamper with anyone else’s e-mail.
  • Unauthorized access or attempts to access other computers or networks belonging to the library or external parties.
  • Alteration or attempts to alter computer equipment, software configurations or files belonging to the Library, the council, other users or external parties.
  • Propagation of malicious software or computer viruses.
  • Violating copyright or software license agreements.
  • Behaviour that disrupts, or may be seen as harassing other library users, while using a computer, or Wi-Fi connected device.
  • Deliberately damaging the computer, console, related equipment or the library network.
  • Refusing to leave a computer or console when your booked session is over.
  • Distributing unsolicited advertising.
  • Threatening, verbally or physically assaulting staff.


Use of our computers and Wi-Fi network is entirely at your own risk. Islington Library and Heritage Services assume no responsibility or liability for:

  • The safety of equipment, software configurations, security, data or any loss, damage or injury resulting from its use.
  • Any information, data or documents lost damaged or unavailable due to technical or any other difficulties.
  • Any action or behavior carried out via email, chat rooms or other sites.
  • Any disclosure of personal and/or private information including credit and debit cards, and any other financial or non-financial account information.
  • Any emotional, psychological, physiological or spiritual distress prior to or following usage of our computers or Wi-Fi network.
  • Any fraudulent behavior resulting from the use of our computers or Wi-Fi network.
  • The loss of valuables left unsupervised or unattended in the library or learning centre.

Service availability

Islington Library and Heritage Services cannot guarantee one hundred percent availability of our computers or of the free Wi-Fi service.

Wi-Fi speed is dependent on the material being viewed and the number of user accessing material at any one time; Islington Library and Heritage Services cannot guarantee that high speed connections will always be available. Some online activities such as game playing or streaming media can seriously impact on network bandwidth so Islington Library and Heritage Services reserves the right to restrict access to such services.

If you are more than Ten minutes late for a booked computer session it may be given to someone else.


Please report any problems with our computers or the Wi-Fi network to a member of staff.

Library staff cannot provide technical assistance to help you configure your laptop, wireless adaptor or mobile device.