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Islington Community Festivals Fund eligibility and selection criteria

Read the eligibility and selection guidance before applying to the Community Festivals Fund.

We strongly encourage applicants to read the following eligibility and selection criteria. When you have done this, you can apply and read our application form guidance.

We will be looking to fund and work in partnership with organisations that can help us to achieve these goals.

Eligibility criteria

  • Funding is only for arts, culture, voluntary, community and faith organisations based in Islington.
  • Organisations can only apply for funding for one festival in the three-year grant round (2023-2026).
  • Each festival will be eligible for one award. Where a number of organisations are contributing different elements of a festival, they should work together to submit one application.
  • Community Festivals Fund applicants must show they have secured external funding for their event and will not completely rely on funding from Islington Council.
  • Festival applications must demonstrate how they will provide borough-wide benefit for Islington residents.

Not eligible for funding

The following are not eligible for funding:

  • events of a party political nature
  • events promoting religious beliefs
  • fundraising events, including fundraising for charities
  • events that can be viewed as offensive or defamatory
  • profit-making organisations
  • individuals.

Small community events that mostly benefit local neighbourhoods or specific ward areas are not eligible to apply to the Community Festivals Fund. Organisers of these sorts of events can read about the Local Initiatives Fund and contact to discuss eligibility to apply.

Eligible constituted organisations

If you are from an eligible constituted organisation, you must have:

  • a written governing document or constitution 
  • a governing body with at least three unrelated members
  • a UK-based bank or building society account in the name of the organisation, with a minimum of two unrelated signatories
  • been active for at least one year and can produce annual accounts for a whole year
  • safeguarding policies for working with children and vulnerable adults in place.

Organisations should also note the following conditions for funding.

  • The organisation must not have two years of late submissions to the Charity Commission or Companies House within the last two completed financial years.
  • The organisation must not have two years of net current liabilities within the two most recent completed financial years.
  • Organisations where Trustees are paid are not eligible unless evidence of approval is provided from The Charity Commission and/or this arrangement is referenced in the governing document.

Unconstituted groups or organisations who are unable to meet all of the above criteria are eligible to apply for Community Festivals funding but must be able to nominate an Islington-based constituted organisation that can accept a grant on your behalf. 

If you are unsure whether your organisation is eligible, please contact us by emailing:

Selection criteria

The Community Festivals Fund aims to support organisations based in Islington to deliver high quality, innovative, community-focused festivals that benefit our residents and promote community togetherness, openness to all, cultural benefit and partnership working. 

Applicants will need to show that the proposed event meets all of the following funding criteria and compliance conditions. These form the basis for assessment of Islington Community Festivals fund applications.

Cultural benefit

Events will need to deliver high quality and community focused activities that:

  • maximise access to and participation in cultural activities
  • celebrate Islington’s diversity
  • improve, animate and interpret the physical environment
  • promote community cohesion and a sense of place.

Equality and diversity

Festivals will promote community involvement and encourage people from a range of different backgrounds to participate. Festivals will recognise and value Islington’s diverse communities, promote good relationships between people of different backgrounds and lifestyles and contribute to the council’s commitment to making Islington a fairer place for people to live, where discrimination and inequality are addressed.

These values will be visible in event programming by:

  • ensuring that participating artists or components of the festival reflect and are attractive to the diversity of local people, cultures and lifestyles in Islington
  • involving local people to define festival aims and objectives
  • promoting understanding, tolerance and cohesion.

Value for money

Islington Council is committed to providing value for money in all its services. Event costs should be realistic and clearly itemised with income matching expenditure. If you have organised festivals in previous years, you can provide evidence of their success (e.g. press cuttings, photographs and any evaluation reports).


The festival organiser(s) will need to demonstrate that the event will be well managed and

  • that appropriate consideration has been given to the impact and safety of their festival including its environmental impact with reference to Islington Council’s Vision 2030 strategy working towards a net zero carbon Islington by 2030
  • organisers have the knowledge, skills and capacity to deliver the event independently and effectively – this includes demonstrating appropriate contingency planning.

Organisers will also need to provide evidence of their planned approach to monitoring and evaluation for reporting purposes.

Inclusive and accessible

Activities should be open to all the community and accessible and inclusive for Islington’s most disadvantaged communities. Applications from organisations that are based in areas of high deprivation will be particularly welcomed.

Proposals should clearly demonstrate a commitment to using environmentally friendly policies and practices with reference to Islington Council’s climate emergency guidance

We are particularly keen that festivals will attract people from the following groups (who can often feel excluded from these events) as well as people from across the Islington community, to actively take part in the festivals as audiences, participants and/or organisers:  

  • disabled people
  • Black, Asian, minority ethnic and refugee communities
  • lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups
  • older people
  • young people
  • children.

Applicants will need to clearly detail which of these groups will participate in the event and what engagement method(s), including targeted marketing, will be used to encourage these groups to be involved. Applicants must also demonstrate how they plan to monitor inclusivity and manage the collection of audience and participant demographic data in a respectful and ethical manner.

All festivals must be open and accessible to the general public and provide benefit across Islington, not just to the organisation’s own members.

Match funding

Applicants are required to seek funding from more than one source. This may include contributions from the lead organisation itself as well as charities and trusts, business sponsorship, other local grant schemes, Arts Council England or the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Applicants seeking Community Festivals Fund support must secure external funding for their event and not be solely reliant on funding from other council sources.

Partnership working

Applicants are encouraged to work with other agencies and organisations that may be able to share costs, facilities and expertise, and support the involvement of participants or beneficiaries.

Funding will be conditional on applicants liaising with the council in order to guarantee that the council has a presence at the festival. This includes Islington Council stalls and any marketing, publicity or information that would benefit Islington residents. Stalls should be provided free of charge to the council.

You must provide an update to the Cultural Enrichment Team on plans to liaise with council departments prior to the festival each year. 


Licensing and public protection

Applicants will need to comply with the following public protection requirements. 

  • Venue permissions: You will need to obtain written permission from the owner of the space you are using, whether you choose a school, a community centre, an estate or other open space, and attach a copy to your application.
  • Public Liability Insurance: Funding will be conditional on you obtaining sufficient public liability insurance. You may be able to arrange cover through your existing insurer. You must include the cost of insurance premiums in your budget.
  • Entertainment licensing: If you are putting on any form of entertainment, such as live or recorded music, film or video, a disco, bands, or live performance, you will need to apply for an entertainment licence. Applications for a licence need to be received at least 28 days in advance of the event. For all enquiries about this contact the council’s Licensing Team on or telephone 0207 527 3031.
  • First Aid: You will need to arrange First Aid cover for your event. If you do not already have a trained first aider, a representative from your organisation must complete training or you will need to hire first aid support for the festival.
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