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Delay to local land charge responses until the end of March 2025

It might take longer for us to get back to you about your local land charges because we've had far more requests than usual. We expect to go back to normal wait times at the end of March.

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Property searches

Find out how to register and use our local land charges portal and order a search.

Request a local land charge search

Use our local land searches portal to:

  • request a local land charge search
  • get notifications for any queries with the search request
  • find out when the search is complete and collect your search.

How to use the portal

Click 'sign up' on the portal login screen to create an account. You only need to do this once.

To start the sign up process, fill in:

  • username
  • email
  • password
  • confirm password.

Follow the sign-up form steps

  1. Fill in pages 1 and 2.
  2. Leave page 3 blank and click 'skip step'.
  3. Check all search types that you need on page 4.
  4. Check 'online payment' only under 'payment types' on page 5.

We will send an email in 24 hours to tell you your account is ready. Wait for your confirmation email before you try to log in.

Request a search

  1. Log in with your account details.
  2. Click on 'new search request' on the left-hand side.
  3. Enter solicitor reference, post code, and choose your address from the options.
  4. Do not check "I cannot find the address. Enter it manually" as your search will be rejected.
  5. Use the 'property description' box to fill in any extra parcels you need.
  6. Click 'save'.
  7. Choose search type. If you need more than one parcel, check 'add additional parcels?' and enter number of extra parcels.
  8. Check any Con29 O options if needed.
  9. Click 'calculate price' and then 'save'.
  10. Under 'method to return the search', choose 'view as a PDF on this website' and click 'save'.
  11. Choose 'online payment' under 'payment method' and click 'pay'.
  12. You will get a confirmation screen and a reference number.

When the search is ready, you will get an email notification to log in to the portal and collect your search.

How we use this information

We will:

  • use the information to make a Local Land Charges Search Certificate
  • share the information with other council departments, which may hold information on the Local Land Charges Register or environmental information
  • always process your information in accordance with the law. For more information on how use and store your information, please refer to the council’s privacy policy.

Order a search