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Modern day slavery and human trafficking

We take modern day slavery and human trafficking very seriously

We are one of the first local authorities to sign the charter against modern slavery.

We have already undertaken significant work to tackle modern slavery through the identification and referral of victims, victim support and working with police to disrupt organised criminal networks targeting vulnerable persons for the purposes of exploitation. We also have an ongoing training programme to assist staff and partners to identify the signs of modern slavery.

You can see our first annual modern day slavery and human trafficking report below:

Islington Council’s first annual report on tackling modern slavery

For further information and available training please read Modern day slavery on GOV.UK.  

If you feel you are a victim of modern day slavery or human trafficking or know someone that you feel may be being exploited then please contact the following agencies:

  • Children’s services team, telephone: 020 7527 7400 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday) or 020 7226 0992 (out of hours and weekends)
  • Adult safeguarding team, telephone: 020 7226 0992 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday) or 020 7226 0992 (out of hours and weekends)
  • Modern slavery victims: referral and assessment forms

If your concerns are for the immediate welfare of an individual or individuals, then please call the Police on 999.