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Partnerships and strategy

The Islington Children’s and Families Partnership (ICFP) brings together services and the wider community that support children as they grow up in Islington

What we do

The ICFP’s aim is to enhance families’ and children’s: 

  • physical and mental health and emotional well-being
  • protection from harm and neglect
  • access to education, training and recreation
  • opportunities and support to make a positive contribution to society
  • social and economic wellbeing

The Partnership is made up of statutory, voluntary and other organisations, operating under the leadership of Islington Council to fulfil the requirements of The Children's Act 2004. It comprises: 

  • the Children and Families Board, led by the Executive Member for Children and Families
  • strategic advisory groups focusing on disabled children, early help support to families and children’s health 
  • the network of Children's Centre Advisory Boards 

The Children and Families Board 

The Children and Families Board manages the business of the ICFP and is responsible for monitoring how well the partners work together. The Board meets at least three times a year, with subgroups meeting at least every two months. 

For more information about the ICFP call 020 7527 3080 or email 

Islington Children and Families Strategy  

Giving Children the Best Start in Life sets out the three priorities for the ICFP from 2015-2025, These are: 

  • Improving outcomes from conception to 19 through high quality universal services. 
  • Strengthening our early help support for children and families with additional needs. 
  • Supporting our most vulnerable children to be safe, thrive and be able to overcome the challenges they face as they grow up.

Islington’s Early Help Family Support Strategy places emphasis on ensuring that our services get involved before emerging problems become more serious. Islington is a founder member of the Early Intervention Foundation

Islington Clinical Commissioning Group and Islington Council have a joint Children and Young People’s Health Strategy, which aims to improve all aspects of child health over the next five years. 

The Islington Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Transformation Plan 2018-19 sets out how Islington will deliver ‘Future in Mind - Promoting, protecting and improving our children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing’.   

We also have a Child Poverty Strategy

All documents are available to download from ‘Useful Documents’.

Previous plans 

The strategy is commonly known as 'The Children and Young People's Plan (CYPP). If you’d like to read previous CYPPs and our Prevention and Early Intervention Framework, email