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2223-0342 - Parking enforcement, cashless parking and associated services

Islington Council invites suitable expressions of interest from bidders for this contract for On-Street and ANPR CCTV mobile enforcement, Cashless Parking, Business Processing, Pound and Removal, and Complaints Handling.


This contract opportunity is an alignment of a number of existing parking service contracts that are due to expire on 31 March 2025. The new single contract being advertised includes On-Street and ANPR CCTV mobile enforcement, Cashless Parking, Business Processing - Printing, Posting and Scanning, Pound and Removal, and Complaints Handling.

We are committed to delivering these services to the highest standards at the most economically advantageous price. The contract will include a number of key performance indicators and monitoring mechanisms to ensure the effective delivery of these services.

We will deliver these services to achieve our policy objectives including responding to climate change/net zero carbon objectives, cleaner air, reducing traffic and emissions and creating liveable neighbourhoods, keeping cycle and bus lanes free and ensuring emergency corridors are kept clear. There are strict controls linked to any income to the Authority generated by the contract meaning it can only be spent on improving transport and environmental services. 

Key policy objectives set out in the Islington Council Vision 2030 Strategy and Transport Strategy 2020 - 2041 relevant to the contract include:

  • reduce the volume and proportion of trips made by motor vehicles in Islington
  • reduce carbon emissions by encouraging walking and cycling and transforming the borough’s streets
  • improve local air quality by reducing transport-related pollutants that are harmful to health and the environment
  • reduce transport-related pollution including noise, light and vibration and associated negative health and environmental impacts particularly in sensitive locations
  • ensure that new developments reduce the need to travel and are car-free
  • encourage residents and businesses to switch to low emissions vehicles
  • excellent customer service
  • ease of use to service (cashless payments).

Our strategic priorities that the contract will contribute to are:

  • Local jobs and businesses in a thriving local economy, we will be involving community and resident engagement teams.
  • We are driven by delivering impact.
  • We work in partnership.

Services to be delivered

We require the bidder to provide the services listed below, which will be evaluated as part of the bidders tender with the exception of Resilience Services.

Civil Enforcement Officer (CEO) and CCTV Enforcement 

This element of the service includes on-street enforcement undertaken by Civil Enforcement Officers patrolling the street on foot and using appropriate vehicles to ensure Parking Restrictions are enforced 24 hours a day including bank holiday and special events taking place at the Arsenal Football Stadium. The contract requires CCTV Clip Processing to take place to identify Moving Traffic and Bus Lane contraventions and subsequently the issuance of valid penalty charge notices (PCNs). We currently issue around 400,000 PCNs per year with an estimated 200,000 being issued by Civil Enforcement Officers, and an estimated 200,000 which were captured by CCTV.

Cashless Parking Services

We require a high-quality Cashless Parking Service, this will include electronic short-stay purchases of kerbside parking permits and visitor vouchers. Our charging
structure is based on vehicle CO2 emissions. There are around 1.4 million transactions annually.

Printing, posting and scanning services

We require a solution for the printing and posting of statutory and other related documentation along with the scanning and indexing of incoming correspondence not received via our dedicated IT systems. There are around 500,000 letters that are printed and posted annually and an estimated 50,000 items for scanning and indexing.

Vehicle removals and pound

We require the provision of removal trucks, clamping services and a pound facility to conduct relocations and removal of vehicles identified as persistent evaders and vehicles causing an obstruction on the public highway. There is an estimated 1,200 relocations and 300 vehicles removed to the pound annually.

Complaints Handling

The contract requires the successful bidder to be responsible for managing the first line of complaints related to the services being delivered.

Resilience Services

There is also a requirement to deliver a resilience service upon request by us, for services usually undertaken in-house. This includes, but is not limited to, notice and debt processing, suspensions, sign and line maintenance, and business intelligence.

Additional goods and services 

During the term of the contract, with no obligation on us to proceed with any or all of these options, we may require the bidder to purchase on our behalf other services, including but not limited to:

  • a parking management and processing IT system
  • purchase of additional CCTV cameras.


We will supply three premises for the bidder to operate from, and reserve the ability to change the location and number of premises during the term of the contract. These premises are currently used by the incumbent for the delivery of all enforcement services within the borough.

Transfer of Undertakings [Protection of Employment] Regulations (TUPE)

Potential providers must be aware that TUPE will apply to this service. Further details will be available in the invitation to tender.

Contract period

The initial duration of the contract will be 48 months from an estimated start date of 1 April 2025 with an option to extend for a further 48 months and a final option to extend for a further 24 months (maximum of 120 months).

Contract value

The estimated total value of this contract is £132,560,369 over the maximum 120 months. This is based on an estimated £9.2 million per annum to which interest on an annual basis will be applied. However, we expect the bid received will be lower than the estimated value.

This figure does not include resilience and additional goods and services shown above, which we may use during this contract. 

Award criteria

The contract will be awarded to the most economically advantageous tender (MEAT) in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. MEAT for this contract is quality at 60 per cent and cost at 40 per cent. Tender submissions will be subject to minimum quality thresholds, further details will be provided in the procurement documents.

  • Cost: 40%
  • Quality: 60%

The 40% cost element will be evaluated by the Schedule of Rates. For more information, see ITT 02a Schedule of Rates Guidance document.

The 60% quality element comprises:

  • Social value: 20% - this will be evaluated by the Social Value Calculator and Method Statement SV1. For more information, see ITT 01b Social Value Information and Guidance.
  • Method statements: 40% - this will be evaluated as set out in section 4a in the ITT 01 Return. For more information see the ITT 00 Guidance.

Tenderers should be aware that we reserve the right to hold presentations and/or interviews during the tender process. Presentations and/or interviews will be for verification/clarification purposes of the written submission.

We reserve the right to interview leading bidders.

Procurement process

As the value of the contract is above the threshold for wider advertising of the opportunity, a Contract Notice will be published on Contracts Finder and Find a Tender Service.

This contract will be procured using the Open Procedure. The Open Procedure means that all bidders who successfully express an interest will automatically be invited to tender and have access to the tender documents. Those who submit a tender and meet the minimum requirements will have their full tender, method statements and pricing evaluated.

How to express an interest

If you want to apply for this contract opportunity, follow these steps.

  1. Register your company free of charge on the London Tenders Portal.
  2. When you receive an email confirming your username and password use these to log on to the London Tenders Portal and express your interest in: 2223-0342, Parking enforcement, cashless parking and associated services - 63712400 (Parking Services), 98351110 (Parking Enforcement Services)
  3. After you have expressed interest, you will receive a second email containing a link to access the procurement documents.

All questions relating to this contract opportunity should be raised in the 'messages' section of the relevant contract on the London Tenders Portal. Do not contact any council officer directly.


  • The deadline for expressions of interest is: 11.59, Monday 30 September 2024 
  • Submission of Tender documents by: 12 noon, Monday 30 September 2024
  • Late submissions will not be accepted.

More information

  • Islington Council and our partners are committed to work towards a ‘Fairer Islington’. 
  • Do not include any publicity material with your submissions.
  • We aim to provide equality of opportunity and welcomes applicants who meet the qualitative selection criteria from black and minority ethnic communities and disabled groups. 
  • We encourages all types of organisation who meet the qualitative selection criteria including Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisations, Social Enterprises or not for profit enterprises and small to medium enterprises (SME) to tender.
  • Your submission will be marked in stages. Only applicants who meet the requirements at each stage will progress to the next stage.  Further details will be contained in the tender documents.
  • Include the Contract Number of this tender process when communicating with us in any way.
  • Applicants are advised that all costs incurred either directly or indirectly in preparation, submission or otherwise related to this advertisement will be borne by them, and in no circumstances will Islington Council be responsible for any such costs. Applicants are also advised that Islington Council, at its sole discretion acting reasonably and in good faith, reserves the right to abandon the procurement at any stage prior to contract award.
  • As part of a commitment to transparency the council is now publishing all spend over £500 each month. This includes spend on contracts, so the successful contractor should expect details of spend against the contract to appear on our website on the council contracts webpage. We are also committed to publishing tender and contract documentation after contract award stage. Commercially sensitive information will be redacted from documentation. What constitutes commercially sensitive information is at our sole discretion. However, tenderers will be invited to identify information they consider to be commercially sensitive in their tender return and this will be taken into account in the council forming a view.
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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.