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A-boards and tables and chairs licence

If you want to place A-boards, tables and chairs outside your business on a public street you must apply for a licence from us.

Please note, A-boards are not permitted on TFL red routes. 

Apply for a new licence

When you apply you must include details and the exact location of where A-boards, tables and chairs are to be sited on a scale drawing that indicates the dimensions of tables and chairs, width of pavement and proximity to the kerb. You must ensure that a minimum of two metres of unobstructed pavement remains between your furniture and any other obstruction.

You also have to send us a photo or illustration type of A-boards, tables and chairs you propose to use.

All applicants must have public liability insurance for the sum of £5 million or above.

You can download the application form from 'Useful documents' below and send it to the Trading on our streets team.


Current fee structure based on square metres of area required:


Band A

Band B

Band C

New application (mangement fee)




Renewal (management fee)




Price per square metre of area required




Non-refundable charge in cases of early determination of refusal of application




A-board fee




Your calculated fee will be the management fee plus the price per square metre of area required. For example, if you have ten square metres in band A, your price per square metre of area will be calculated as: £126.90 x 10 = £1,269.

Your total fee for a renewal in Band A would be £539 + £1,269 = £1,808.

After you apply

Once we have received your application, we will arrange for a site visit so that we can assess the footway, advise you on what street furniture is appropriate for the area, and guide you through the rest of the process. 

We are obliged by legislation to consult interested parties and give members of the public and other council officers the opportunity to comment.

The process normally takes eight weeks to complete and you cannot place A-boards, tables and chairs on a highway until a licence has been issued.

Licence renewals and changes

The licence needs renewing each year and you can use the application form below to do this. 

You can also use the same application form to make changes to a current licence. There is a £160 charge if you are a current licence holder and are changing the number of chairs and tables you have on a public pathway.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.