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Green transport for businesses

Every small action that your business or organisation takes to reduce the number of lorries and vans on our streets can significantly reduce levels of emissions.

Making deliveries in and around Islington by bike is easier than ever. Even if you don’t operate your own vehicles, your business can still make a difference in reducing transport emissions.

  • The Zero Emissions Network can provide support for businesses to make a switch to cleaner deliveries including free cargo bike trials for local businesses.
  • Peddle My Wheels also provide a low-cost Try Before You Bike option for trialling and purchasing cargo bikes for Islington businesses.
  • You can hire an electric cargo bike by the minute from our community scheme OurBike. It's an easy way to efficiently transport small loads at an affordable price – and better for the environment.

You could also consider suppliers that operate zero emission vehicles, reducing the frequency of deliveries of some items or even teaming up with neighbouring businesses to use the same suppliers for items like stationery.