There are 17 wards in Islington. View a map of the wards in Islington. Use the 'address search' at the top to find your ward and councillors.
You can also find your ward and councillor using your postcode. You will find them in 'ward and councillors' after you've chosen your address.
The wards are:
- Arsenal
- Barnsbury
- Bunhill
- Caledonian
- Canonbury
- Clerkenwell
- Finsbury Park
- Highbury
- Hillrise
- Holloway
- Junction
- Laycock
- Mildmay
- St Mary's and St James'
- St Peter's and Canalside
- Tollington
- Tufnell Park
In May 2022, there was a redrawing of boundaries and renaming of Islington's wards, increasing from 16 wards to 17. Read more about the 2022 ward boundary changes.
Latest ward population and statistics
Visit our data and statistics site and use the map or type in a postcode to find out population information about a ward.
Ward population and statistics from before 2022 boundary changes
Ward profiles provide detailed information on the resident population of each ward. These profiles aim to bring together key data at Islington ward level to help compare characteristics of each ward population.
Each of the ward profiles includes: demographics, economic activity, housing, health and wellbeing, children and young people, and community safety. This provides a focus on areas where councillors can take action to improve outcomes for residents.
These ward profiles were published in 2021 - before the 2022 ward boundary changes - so do not map onto the current boundaries or ward names or reflect current ward statistical data.