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My Islington accessibility statement

This statement applies to content published on

This website is run by Islington Council. It is designed to be used by as many people as possible. The text should be clear and simple to understand. You should be able to:

  • change colours, contrast levels and fonts using browser or device settings
  • zoom in up to 200% without the text spilling off the screen
  • navigate most of the website using just a keyboard
  • listen to most of the website using a screen reader

We’ve also made the website text as simple as possible to understand.

AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.

How accessible this website is

We know some parts of this website are not fully accessible:

  • Maps:Some of the maps are not clearly labelled for screen reader users.Screen reader users may not realise the map is present, or where the accessible alternative is.
  • General advice notification:  Some of the radio or select options cause a notification to appear advising the user to do something.  These are not announced to screen reader users as soon as they appear.  For example, on the ‘Introduction / urgent' tab of the antisocial behaviour form, if the user activates the ‘Yes’ radio button when answering the question ‘Are you or anyone in immediate danger or is there a risk to public safety?’ a notification appears stating ‘If someone is in immediate danger, or there is a threat to public safety. Call 999.’
  • Date and time:  Date and time formats are not clear.  Screen reader users may have difficulty entering the right time formats.
  • Error associations:  Error messages are not always programmatically ass
  • ociated with the controls.  When screen reader users navigate to controls with errors using the tab key, the error messages are not read aloud.
  • Error message keyboard focus:  When an error message appears, the keyboard focus is not going to the first control with an error.  Screen reader users who cannot see the screen may have difficulty submitting forms because they cannot find the controls with the error.
  • Error suggestions: Suggestions on how to fix errors are not as clear as they should be.  This can make it difficult for users with learning difficulties or users who are less experienced in using the Internet to resolve problems.
  • Errors indicted by colour:  Some of the error messages are indicated by colour alone.  Users who cannot perceive colour will not be aware of the existence of some errors.
  • Autocomplete:  Autocomplete values on commonly used data types are not present, potentially making the site more difficult to fill out for users with dexterity issues and learning difficulties.
  • Headings and labels:  Some of the headings and labels of controls are unclear, making the application difficult to use for both screen reader users and users with learning difficulties.
  • Page titles:  Page titles do not change to reflect change in page content, making page navigation more difficult for screen reader users.
  • Headings:  Headings are not always marked up as headings making the page structure more difficult to understand for screen reader users.
  • Colour contrast:  The colour contrast is not always sufficient making the site difficult to see for partially sighted users.
  • Success messages:  Success messages are not always announced as they appear to screen reader users, meaning that sometimes screen reader users are unaware of the success of an action.
  • Accessible names:  Some of the controls do not have accessible names., and therefore cannot be operated by screen reader users.
  • Keyboard focus management:  The keyboard focus indicator is capable of leaving some dialogs.  This is confusing for screen reader users as it is unexpected, and means the keyboard focus indicator can become lost behind the dialog, which is problematic for keyboard only users.
  • PDFs:  PDFs which are automatically generate by the MyIslington application are not tagged, which means that screen reading software may not read them aloud in a way that is intelligible to screen reader users.  However, the same information which is contained in PDFs is also available in HTML on the website.
  • Required fields:  Some fields which are not required are marked up as required.
  • Current step indicators:  Where there is an indicator for sighted users so they know which step the are at in the process, this information is not expressed programmatically.  Screen reader users who cannot see the screen may not be able to tell which step they are at in the process.
  • Skip to content link:  The skip to content link is not the first item in the page.
  • Zoom and small screen:  Some content is lost on 200% browser zoom and on a 320px width screen.
  • Landmarks:  The landmark structure is not logical, making page navigation more difficult for screen reader users.
  • Register twice error message:  If the user attempts to register an email address twice an error message appears.  The error message disappears quickly which could be problematic for users with learning difficulties.
  • Keyboard focus indicator:  The keyboard focus indicator on occasion is difficult to see and sometimes not visible at all.  This makes operating the website difficult at time for keyboard only users.
  • Table headers:  Some table headers are not marked up correctly meaning that screen reader users may find some tables difficult to understand.
  • Remove file: It is not possible for screen reader users to delete a file which has been uploaded.
  • Delete search:  The 'delete search' button, which only appears after the user has entered a search term, is not operable by keyboard only users or screen reader users who cannot see the screen.

Feedback and contact information

Feedback on our site

Please contact us if you find any problems not listed on this page, think we’re not meeting accessibility requirements or would like information in an alternative format like accessible print, large print, easy read, audio recording or Braille.

We’ll consider your request and get back to you in 10 working days.  Issues relating to the digital accessibility of the site will normally be looked into by the relevant service provider and the Web Services team of Islington Digital Services.  Requests for alternative format will normally be dealt with by the relevant service provider and the Communications team.

Contacting the service

If due to an accessibility problem with this site you are unable to find the information that you need or submit a request please contact the MyIslington product manager directly by

Enforcement procedure

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (the ‘accessibility regulations’). If you’re not happy with how we respond to your complaint, contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS).

Technical information about this website’s accessibility

Islington Council is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.

Compliance status

This website has been tested against the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.2 AA standard (WCAG 2.2 AA).

This website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.2 AA standard, due to [insert one of the following the non-compliances and exemptions listed below.

Non-accessible content

Non-compliance with accessibility regulations

The content listed below is not accessible for the following reasons.




Pages / Widgets

System part

Skip to content

The skip to content button is not visible to sighted users. When the skip to content button receives the keyboard focus the keyboard focus indicator is not visible.

1.4.3 Contrast minimum


Front end

Islington Council logo link

The logo link destination is different to that stated by the aria-label.

2.4.4 Link purpose


Front end


The map on the ‘Details of incident’ tab on the ‘Anti-social’ behaviour form is not accessible to keyboard only users or screen reader users who cannot see the screen. The feedback from screen reading software when it encounters the map is difficult to comprehend. Some small changes could make the map accessible to keyboard only users.

1.1.1 Non text contrast

Anti-social behaviour

Front end

Date and time

The date and time format is not stated in the label

3.3.2 Labels or instructions

Anti-social behaviour

Front end

Error association

The error messages are not programmatically associated with the control.

1.3.1 Info and relationships

Register page, Your details

Front end

Error message keyboard focus

When an inline error message appears, the keyboard focus is not going to the first control with the error.

2.4.2 Focus order

Register page, Your details, Link your council tax account

Front end

Email address error

The required email format is not stated in the email error message.

3.3.2 Labels or instructions

Anti-social behaviour

Front end

Error indication by colour

For some of the form controls, if user inputs incorrect data and then moves the keyboard focus to another control, the control with the error changes colour, but no text description of that error appears.

1.4.1 Use of color

Anti-social behaviour, Login,

Front end

Drop down option

On the final page of the anti-social behaviour form, the radio form label suggests the presence of a combobox.

2.4.6 Headings and labels

Anti-social behaviour

Front end


The autocomplete is off for, The email address input on the ‘Register’ page , The ‘First name’, ‘Last name’, ‘Main phone number’, ‘Postcode’ and address lines on the ‘Edit your profile’., The ‘First name’ and Last name’ on the ‘Link your council tax account’ page.

1.3.5 identify input purpose

Register page, Your details, Link your council tax account

Front end

Can’t find your address

There are multiple accessibility problems with the ‘Can’t find your address search’ checkbox.

2.4.3 Focus order

Anti-social behaviour

Front end

Antisocial behaviour form submission page title.

The page title does not change after the antisocial behaviour form is submitted.

2.4.2 Page titled

Anti-social behaviour

Front end

Page titles

The page titles do not always specifically describe the content of the page or indicate when success has been achieved.

2.4.2 Page titled

Login page, Link your council tax account, Remove your council tax account, Register page, Account creation success, Your details, My Islington logged in, Manage your accounts, Link your council tax account, Remove your council tax account, Council tax, EBill, My Requests

Front end

Small screen form heading.

The white text on a dark grey background (‘Your details’ on the ‘Edit your profile’ form or ‘About’ on the ‘Link your account’ form’) which appears on a small screen view next to the chevron that opens the navigation menu is not marked up as a heading.

1.3.1 Info and relationships

Your details, Link your council tax account, Remove your council tax account

Front end

Error message colour contrast

The colour contrast on the text of the error message which appears when users do not supply valid login credentials has insufficient colour contrast.

1.4.3 Contrast minimum


Front end

Login text

The words “You could not be logged in. Please check your email and password.” Which are marked in red only have a 4:1 colour contrast against the background. These words only appear when the user has unsuccessfully tried to login on the landing page.

1.4.3 Contrast minimum

Login page

Front end

Success icon role, announcement and association

The status icon (tick) is not announced as it appears to screen reader users, has no programmatic role, and is not programmatically associated with the corresponding field.

4.1.2 Name role value, 1.3.1 Info and relationships,

Register page, Your details, Link your council tax account,antisocial behaviour form

Front end

Success icon small screen

On a 1366px width screen at 200% browser zoom the ‘Field is valid’ icon is no longer visible. Success is indicated by changing the border colour of the input to green. However, this is not accessible for users who cannot perceive colour.

1.4.1 Use of color

Register page, Your details, Link your council tax account

Front end

Close the ‘Add recipient dialog’ button

The ‘X’ button to close the ‘Add recipient’ dialog has no accessible name.

4.1.2 Name role value

Link your council tax account,

Front end

State whether address is correct dialog

The keyboard focus is capable of leaving the red confirmation dialogs. Examples of these dialogs include asking whether or not the user wants to change their address (‘The address has invalid data, please return to this section’) or cancel adding a recipient to the change of paperless billing option (‘Are you sure you want to cancel this entry’, or ‘Are you sure you want to delete this record from the list of recipients for the paperless billing change notification?’). There are no accessible names for the dialog and the keyboard focus can leave the dialog.

2.4.3 Focus order

Your details, Link your council tax account, antisocial behaviour form

Front end

Anti social behaviour PDFs

The antisocial behaviour form PDFs are not accessible because they are not tagged. Informatoin regarding antisocial behaviour can be seen on the Enterprise housing system, but the full details in the PDF are not held in HTML on the enterprise housing system i.e. users have to be able to read the PDF to get all the information about the complaint

1.3.1 Info and relationships

Antisocial behaviour form

Front end

Flat marked up as required

On the incident details, on the anti social behaviour form, if you choose 'can't use the map' and 'can't find your address in search, the flat field is marked up as required

4.1.2 Name role value

Antisocial behaviour form

Front end

Small screen tab

Not all of the tabs on a small screen are marked up as tabs.

4.1.2 Name role value

Anti-social behaviour form

Front end

Small screen form navigation menu current page

Screen reader users will not be able to tell from the small screen navigation menu which is the current page

4.1.2 Name role value


Front end

Current step

On a small screen view, the current step on the ‘Edit profile information’ form or the ‘Link your council tax form’ is indicated by using white text on a green background. The current step is not expressed programmatically.

4.1.2 Name role value

Your details, Link your council tax account, Remove your council tax account

Front end

Keyboard focus input text colour

For editable form controls, after the user has entered data, if the user navigates back to the populated control, the background of the text becomes green and the text colour of the entry to changes to white, which only has a 1.81:1 colour contrast against the background.

1.4.11 Non text contrast

Your details, Landing page, Login page, Link your council tax account, Remove your council tax account

Front end

Phone number error message

The error message that appears when a user inputs an invalid phone number does not tell the user how to correct it.

3.3.3 Error suggestion

Your details

Front end

Form submission alert

The form submission notification “Submitting form, please do not navigate away from this screen. Please wait…” is not announced by screen reading software.

4.1.3 Status messages

Your details, Link your council tax account

Front end

Skip to content link order

The skip to content link appears after the navigation and just before the main content in the tab order. This makes the skip to content link pointless as the purpose of the skip to content link is to pass over the page navigation.

2.4.3 Focus order


Front end

Email address and password

The email address and password are not marked up as required to sighted users.

2.4.6 Headings and labels

Landing page, Login page

Front end

Hide this notice

On the cookie banner, the ‘Hide this notice’ button is hidden from sighted users. It is read aloud to screen reader users and capable of receiving the keyboard focus.

1.4.11 Non text contrast


Front end

Small screen menu list

When the screen is zoomed to 200% on a 1366px width screen and on a 320px width screen, the navigation menu is hidden behind a menu button. The four links in the menu are not marked up as a list.

1.3.1 Info and relationships


Front end

Landmark usage

The landmarks on the page ‘Register’ ‘User details’, ‘Link your council tax’ account’ and ‘Remove your council tax account’ pages are not logical. The H1 and first paragraph on the main area of the page are in a header landmark, which usually is only used to contain the logo and generic information at the top of the page. The ‘Close’ and ‘Submit’ buttons on the ‘Register’ page and the ‘Previous’, ‘Next’ and ‘Submit’ buttons on the ‘Your details’ are in a different landmark region to the rest of the registration form.

1.3.1 Info and relationships

Register page, Your details, Link your council tax account, Remove your council tax account

Front end

Register twice error message

If the user attempts to register an email address twice an error message appears. The error message disappears quickly which could be problematic for users with learning difficulties.

2.2.1 Timing adjustable

Register page

Front end

Blue text blue background

The blue text ‘You have finished creating your My Islington account. You can now’ only has a 4.15:1 colour contrast against the white background and the link text ‘Log in’ only has a 3.47:1 colour contrast with the background.

1.4.3 Contrast minimum

Account Creation success

Front end

Project Finder iFrame

The ‘Project Finder’ iFrame does not have an accessible name.

4.1.2 Name role value

My Islington

Front end

Image link keyboard focus

The images under the ‘Consultations’ sections have a very feint keyboard focus.

1.4.11 Non text contrast

My Islington

Front end

Heading link double focus

The text links under the consultation images receive the keyboard focus twice. The first time they receive the keyboard focus the keyboard focus indicator is very feint.

2.4.3 Focus order

My Islington

Front end

Consultation heading level

The headings in the consultation links are <h2>.

1.3.1 Info and relationships

My Islington

Front end

Account proofing keyboard focus

When a user selects one of the radio button options on the “Please also choose one of the following to provide” section, the keyboard focus does not go to the new input that appears below.

2.4.3 Focus order

Link your council tax account

Front end

Filter updates

If the user presses the down arrow as soon as a filter option receives the keyboard focus, then as soon as one of the filter options receives the keyboard focus the content of the page changes.

3.2.1 On focus

My requests

Front end

Table header association

Screen reading software is associating the wrong headers with the wrong cells.

4.1.2 Name role value

My requests

Front end

Open task arrow

The open task arrow in the left hand column of the ‘My requests’ table does not have an accessible name or role.

4.1.2 Name role value

My requests

Front end

Showing entries status message

The ‘My results’ table is paginated. At the bottom of the table there is a statement which states which results are showring (e.g. ‘Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries’). When this statement is updated, there is no audible announcement to screen reader users.

4.1.3 Status messages

My requests

Front end

Loss of content on 320px width screen

The ‘Case start date’, ‘Case end date’ and ‘Case status’ buttons are not visible on a 320px width screen.

1.4.10 Reflow

My requests

Front end

Multiple ways of reaching content

There is usually only one way to reach most pages.

2.4.5 Multiple ways


Front end

User menu

JAWS screen reading software declares that the user should use the up and down arrows to navigate the user menu on the top right of the screen. The up and down arrows do not work.

4.1.2 Name role value

My Islington, Your details, My Islington logged in, Manage your accounts, Link your council tax account, Remove your Council tax account, EBill, My Requests, Change my paperless billing preferences

Front end

General advice notification

Some of the radio or select options cause a notification to appear advising the user to do something. These are not announced to screen reader users as soon as they appear. For example, ON the ‘Introduction / urgent' tab of the antisocial behaviour form, if the user activates the ‘Yes’ radio button when answering the question ‘Are you or anyone in immediate danger or is there a risk to public safety?’ a notification appears stating ‘If someone is immediate danger, or there is a threat to public safety. Call 999.’ Another example On the ‘Incident details’ tab. there are a variety of options which, if chosen, advise the user to contact another agency rather than continuing to fill out the antisocial behaviour form. For example, if a user selects the ‘Dog has injured someone’ option in the ‘What dogs and animals incident do you want to report?’ drop down, a notification appears to state “You should report this type of incident involving dogs and animals to the police. If you want to report anonymously you can do this through Crimestoppers.”

4.1.3 Status messages

Antisocial behaviour introduction, Antisocial behaviour incident details

Front end

Use of select

Using the down arrow to open the incident details select drop downs <select> is problematic, as it can trigger notifications as the user navigates down the select using the arrow keys, to choose an option. This is not an issue if the user opens the select using spacebar and then navigates down using the arrow keys.

3.3.2 Labels and instructions

Antisocial behaviour incident details

Front end

Incident detail notification and reporter detail notification text contrast

The text contrast of the incident detail notifications and reporter detail notifications (dark blue on light blue) is not always sufficient

1.4.3 Contrast minimum

Antisocial behaviour incident details, Antisocial behaviour introduction

Front end

Upload evidence keyboard focus

There are two controls that can be used to upload evidence. Only one of them is visible to sighted users (button stating ‘Upload any evidence here’). The second control to upload evidence is hidden from sighted users. However, it is announced to screen reader users and capable of receiving the keyboard focus. When the second control receives the keyboard focus the keyboard focus is not visible.

2.4.7 Focus visible

Antisocial behaviour case details

Front end

Remove file link

If a user tries to delete a file by pressing the enter key when the remove file link has the keyboard focus and screen reading software is turned on the file does not delete. The file deletes as expected when using the mouse.

4.1.2 Name role value

Antisocial behaviour case details

Front end

Field is valid programmatic association

The field is valid icon ‘green tick’ is not programmatically associated with the form control.

1.3.1 Info and relationships


Front end

Confirmation dialog no option keyboard focus

On the red confirmation dialog, if the user selects ‘No’ to indicate that they do not want to be taken to the control with the error, the keyboard focus goes to the beginning of the page.

2.4.3 Focus order

Antisocial behaviour confirmation

Front end

Upload evidence on a 320px width screen

Not all of the words on the ‘Upload evidence on a 320px width screen’ is visible.

1.4.10 Reflow

Antisocial behaviour case details

Front end

Upload evidence file names on a 320px width screen

The file name on the ‘Upload evidence’ widget is partially obscured on a 320px width screen

1.4.10 Reflow

Antisocial behaviour case details

Front end

Multiple header sections

On the green banner at the top of the page there is a <header> contained inside a banner (role=”banner”).

1.3.1 Info and relationships


Front end

Filter options (e.g.' Adult social care')

The affected content is marked up as a heading.

4.1.2 Name role value

Services page

Front end

The 'delete search' button, which only appears after the user has entered a search term in the search box

The component does not have an accessible name.

4.1.2 Name role value

Services page

Front end

Search input

The search label is not programmatically associated with the control.

1.3.1 Info and relationships

Services page

Front end

The status message "Sorry, we could not find a match for "abc".
Please try searching again with a different keyword or go back to all services." which appears when users enter a search term that is not recognised.

The status message is not announced by screen reading software as toon as it appears.

4.1.3 Status messages

Services page

Front end

Page title when a filter is applied or a search term is entered.

When the user activates a filter control, the page content is filtered. The page title does not change to reflect this. When the user activates the search control, results appear. The page title does not change to reflect this.

2.4.2 Page titled

Services page

Front end

The 'delete search' button, which only appears after the user has entered a search term in the search box - button role

The control is not announced as a button by screen reading software.

4.1.2 Name role value

Services page

Front end

The 'delete search' button, which only appears after the user has entered a search term in the search box - keyboard operable

The button is not keyboard operable.

2.1.1 Keyboard

Services page

Front end

The 'delete search' button, which only appears after the user has entered a search term in the search box - page title

When the user activates the 'delete search' button, any search results disappear. The page title does not change to reflect this. The page title does not change when search results are entered either. Were the page title to change when search results were entered, the page title should return to the original page title when this button is activated.

2.4.2 Page titled

Services page

Front end

The filter options

The filter options are links.

4.1.2 Name role value

Services page

Front end

Status message

The status message "Sorry, we could not find a match for "abc".
Please try searching again with a different keyword or go back to all services." which appears when users enter a search term that is not recognised. The status message is not announced by screen reading software as toon as it appears. Screen reader users who cannot see the screen will not be aware of the status message when it appears.

4.1.3 Status messages

Services page

Front end

This website contains maps which are out side of the scope of the Public Sector Bodies Websites and Mobile Applications Regulations.

What we are doing to make this website more accessible

At Islington Council we have performed a series of accessibility audits on the MyIslington system.  Many of the recommendations have been implemented. 

Preparation of this accessibility statement

This statement was prepared on 10/01/2024. It was last reviewed on 08/01/2025.

This website was last tested on 08/01/2025.  The test was carried out by Islington Council using a combination of manual and automated testing using assistive technology.

This accessibility statement will be reviewed on the 08/01/2026.