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Violence Against Women and Girls

Yesterday was the United Nations’ International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls. We lit Islington Assembly Hall orange to show we are dedicated to a violence-free future. Islington Council strongly believes that every woman and girl has the right to pursue a fulfilling and successful life without fear of intimidation, harassment, bullying or violence.

Today, we published our new multi-agency and partnership focused Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Strategy for 2021 - 2026 to coincide with 16 days of activism. The strategy sets out how we will work with partners to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls, support survivors, and rehabilitate perpetrators.

The VAWG strategy’s mission statement is clear:

“Islington has a zero-tolerance approach to the mistreatment, abuse and violation of women and girls. Any form of violence against women and girls is unacceptable and abhorrent. Our aim is to eliminate all forms of such violence, support survivors and to rehabilitate and make perpetrators accountable for their actions. Regardless of our own gender, we all stand in solidarity with our sisters to eradicate this epidemic.”

The strategy is underpinned by extensive research: we began by listening to the voices of survivors and others affected by VAWG, and finding out what they care about. It worked closely with partners, including the Police Borough Command Unit, Solace Women’s Aid, and Respect, to develop five key strategic aims:

  1. Create and deliver a coordinated community response. Agencies will share responsibility, align best practice, and work together to prevent VAWG and keep survivors and their families safe.
  2. Prevent violence and abuse from happening
  3. Protect survivors and families and provide support to help them to repair and recover from the violence and abuse they have experienced
  4. Challenge inequality throughout the delivery of our VAWG services and approach to prevent discrimination and address the impacts of intersectionality
  5. Make Perpetrators visible and accountable - We will engage with perpetrators who use violence and abuse in their relationships so that they are held to account for their behaviour and/or are better supported to change

You can read more online at

Education for Vulnerable Children

The Education Secretary and the Chief Social Worker has published an open letter to all social workers emphasising the government's commitment to ensuring all children with a social worker attend school regularly. Read on for information about what we're doing from Matthew Blood, our Virtual School headteacher and Becky Pryce in the YOS.

We all know that being in education is a protective factor for children and young people both for their current situation and their future. We are sure lots of us have watched Adele seeing her English teacher after all these years and the influence she had on her future and as a trusted adult.
Last week the attendance of our children and young people was:

  • CIN 78.2% this means that on average children in need are missing 1 day a week of school
  • CP 75.7% this means that on average children in need of protection are missing 1.5 days a week
  • CLA 97.1% fantastic and higher than the primary and secondary school average
  • YOS 77.1% this means that on average children who have offended are on an YOS order are missing 1.25 days a week.

We are pleased the government have openly made a commitment to ensuring vulnerable children attend school regularly and we need to work together with children, families, schools and partners to ensure our children and young people get what they are entitled to from education and that their attendance is comparable to their peers: 95%.

With more and more schools taking a trauma informed approach and the collaborative relationships formed during Covid with schools we are in a good place to improve.

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