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The Fairness Commission

Despite its wealthy image, Islington is the twenty-sixth most deprived local authority area in England, with extremes of rich and poor.

The Islington Fairness Commission (IFC) was set up in June 2010 to look into how to make the borough a fairer place and published its final report and recommendations in June 2011.

Read the full IFC Final Report (PDF) to see how we went about it.

The work of the fairness commission was widely praised for the pioneering way in which it went about seeking to address inequality of wealth, health, housing, education and crime in the borough. Since the report was published, many other authorities have since established their own fairness commissions to tackle levels of inequality and poverty around the country.

The council and key partners have engaged in wide ranging efforts to deliver the actions in the report. We have made good progress in implementing the recommendations, such as becoming the first Local Authority to gain accreditation as a London Living Wage employer in 2012.

Several years on, “working towards a fairer Islington” continues to be Islington Council’s overarching vision.